2024 |
Acts Housing |
$2,500 |
To support leadership coaching for employees |
2024 |
Acts Housing |
$216,000 |
To support homebuyer counseling, real estate brokerage services, lending, and home rehab management in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2024 |
African American Breastfeeding Network, Inc. |
$2,500 |
To support general operations |
2024 |
African American Roundtable |
$25,000 |
To build the skills, knowledge, and power of Black youth leaders in Milwaukee |
2024 |
Association of Fundraising Professionals Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter |
$500 |
To support education event: The SMARTEST Way to Create a Development Plan |
2024 |
Black Leaders Organizing Communities |
$25,000 |
To support nonpartisan civic engagement, leadership development, and wellness resources for staff |
2024 |
Capuchin Community Services |
$108,000 |
To support the St. Ben's Community Meal Program and other services for people experiencing homelessness and mental health issues |
2024 |
Castle Medical Center, dba Adventist Health Castle |
$1,260,000 |
To support capital improvements at the Vera Zilber Birth Center |
2024 |
City Thread |
$10,000 |
To support the implementation plan for infrastructure improvements in Milwaukee |
2024 |
Community Development Alliance |
$2,500 |
For sharing time and talents with the Zilber Family Foundation board and staff in August |
2024 |
Community Development Alliance |
$10,000 |
To support fundraising training for CDA provided by Plus Delta Partners |
2024 |
Community Water Services |
$40,000 |
To improve housing quality and decrease water related lead poisoning at in-home daycare centers in ZNI neighborhoods |
2024 |
Data You Can Use |
$2,751 |
To support participation in the NCRC conference |
2024 |
Data You Can Use |
$25,000 |
To support Data You Can Use's continued engagement with a fund development consultant |
2024 |
Data You Can Use |
$1,200 |
To support learning trip to New Orleans about the Racial Wealth Index |
2024 |
Dominican Center for Women |
$5,000 |
To replace items that were stolen from Dominican Center in two recent robberies of the Center |
2024 |
Ezekiel Community Development Coporation |
$125,000 |
To support electrical inspections, repair, and training in 20 Lindsay Heights homes |
2024 |
Focus on Philanthropy for Vision to Learn |
$108,000 |
To support free vision care to public school students in Hawaii |
2024 |
Friendship Inc |
$2,500 |
to support the revamp of the Friendship Inc website |
2024 |
Funder Hui |
$81,000 |
To support the Hawaii Funder Hui to advance effective philanthropy in Hawaii |
2024 |
Gratitude Grants |
$377,500 |
To honor the difficult and important work that our nonprofit partners do by allocating grants for employee wellness and appreciation |
2024 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation - Community Connections Small Grants Program |
$40,000 |
To support small grants for resident-led projects in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2024 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation - Nonprofit Management Fund |
$80,000 |
To contribute to pooled funds that support nonprofit organizational effectiveness |
2024 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation for Community Development Alliance |
$300,000 |
To support general operating expenses of the Community Development Alliance (CDA) to implement Milwaukee's Collective Affordable Housing Plan |
2024 |
Guest House of Milwaukee |
$378,000 |
To support programs and services for individuals experiencing homelessness, or at risk for becoming homeless |
2024 |
Hawai'i Alliance of Nonprofit Organization (HANO) |
$40,000 |
To complete a sate of the Hawaii Nonprofit Sector Report |
2024 |
Hawai'i People's Fund |
$50,000 |
To support small, grassroots organizations in Hawaii |
2024 |
Hawaiʻi Peopleʻs Fund |
$10,000 |
For sharing time and talent with the ZFF board and staff in December 2024 |
2024 |
Historic Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support Doors Open Milwaukee 2024 |
2024 |
Housing Resources, Inc. |
$5,000 |
In recognition of the executive director's 25 years of service with HRI |
2024 |
Housing Resources, Inc. |
$216,000 |
To support homebuyer eduction and counseling services in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2024 |
IHS, The Institute for Human Services |
$10,000 |
For sharing time and talent with the ZFF board and staff in December 2024 |
2024 |
IMPACT Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Service, Inc. |
$3,800 |
To provide training to staff |
2024 |
Journey House |
$35,000 |
To install a security system and update security cameras at Journey House |
2024 |
KEY Project |
$34,000 |
To support leadership development, training, and data collection and evaluation |
2024 |
Kokua Kalihi Valley |
$20,000 |
For sharing time and talent with the ZFF board and staff in December 2024 |
2024 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors, Inc., dba VIA CDC |
$2,500 |
For sharing time and talents with the Zilber Family Foundation board and staff in August |
2024 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors, Inc., dba VIA CDC |
$110,000 |
To support implementation of a 2-year organizational development plan |
2024 |
Legal Action of Wisconsin |
$150,000 |
To provide legal aid to residents in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods to increase the likelihood that landlords make code compliance repairs to properties |
2024 |
Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee |
$108,000 |
To support free civil legal services to residents and small businesses in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2024 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$216,000 |
To provide technical assistance, capacity building resources, and financing options in Milwaukee neighorhoods |
2024 |
Literacy Services of Wisconsin |
$20,000 |
To support adult literacy education and workforce readiness skills development |
2024 |
Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Florida, Inc. |
$5,000 |
To support general operations |
2024 |
Make-A-Wish Hawaii |
$108,000 |
To support granting wishes for kids fighting critical illnesses |
2024 |
Menomonee Valley Partners |
$12,000 |
To support the implementation of MVP's strategic plan |
2024 |
Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council |
$80,000 |
To deliver technical assistance to support affordable homeownership in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2024 |
Milwaukee Community Land Trust Ltd |
$2,500 |
For sharing time and talents with the Zilber Family Foundation board and staff in August |
2024 |
Milwaukee Community Land Trust Ltd |
$300,000 |
To support general operations and subsidies for permanently affordable homeownership |
2024 |
Milwaukee Community Land Trust Ltd |
$10,000 |
to support fundraising training for MCLT staff member |
2024 |
Milwaukee Film |
$10,000 |
To support the organization's leadership transition |
2024 |
Milwaukee Film |
$10,000 |
To support free screening of It's Basic documentary |
2024 |
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (via Local Media Foundation) |
$300,000 |
To launch the Neighborhood Reporting Partnership to provide fair, objective reporting in Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2024 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$100,000 |
To support Neu-Life's youth development programs in the Lindsay Heights neighborhood |
2024 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$700 |
To match the funds raised by the Zilber school supply drive |
2024 |
PEARLS for Teen Girls |
$250,000 |
To support mentoring and leadership development programs for predominantly low-income, high-needs girls |
2024 |
Penfield Children's Center |
$25,000 |
To support an organizational strengthening process and related consulting fees |
2024 |
Penfield Children's Center |
$50,000 |
To support the Behavior Health Clinic |
2024 |
Project Vision Hawaii |
$208,000 |
To provide free health and human services to access-challenged communities via mobile services units and community health fairs |
2024 |
Reagan High School Arts Partnership |
$25,000 |
To support the Vera J. Zilber Music Department at Ronald Reagan High School |
2024 |
Revitalize Milwaukee |
$100,000 |
To support capacity building activities |
2024 |
RiverEdge Nature Center |
$25,000 |
To support nature-based educational programs for Milwaukee youth |
2024 |
Riverworks Development Corporation |
$541 |
To support participation in the NCRC conference |
2024 |
Riverworks Development Corporation |
$50,000 |
To support the Financial Clinic and career and personal finance services to low-income individuals and households in Milwaukee |
2024 |
Riverworks Development Corporation |
$2,500 |
to support an organizational assessment for Riverworks |
2024 |
RON Coalition |
$2,500 |
For sharing time and talents with the Zilber Family Foundation board and staff in August |
2024 |
Rooted & Rising Washington Park |
$10,000 |
To provide emergency assistance to families living in affordable housing |
2024 |
Rooted & Rising Washington Park (for Reclaiming our Neighborhoods Coalition) |
$360,000 |
To support the expansion of the RON Coalition that works to improve the quality of housing in Milwaukee neighborhoods through data-informed, resident-engaged strategies and actions |
2024 |
Running Rebels Community Organization |
$183,000 |
To support intervention and prevention services for at-risk youth and young adults, and support ongoing production of a Running Rebels documentary |
2024 |
Safe Children Coalition, Inc. |
$5,000 |
To support general operations |
2024 |
SecureFutures |
$150,000 |
To provide teens from under-resourced communities with financial literacy and education programs, including one-on-one coaching and mentoring |
2024 |
Serenity Inns |
$50,000 |
To support residential treatment for men struggling with alcohol and drug addiction |
2024 |
Sojourner Foundation |
$2,400,000 |
To support comprehensive domestic violence services and contribute to the Hope Lives Here Campaign |
2024 |
Southside Organizing Committee |
$1,087 |
To support participation in the NCRC conference |
2024 |
Southside Organizing Committee |
$90,000 |
To support bilingual resident outreach, education, and organizing on Milwaukee’s southside; and to participate in housing and economic development activities in Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2024 |
St. Ann Center |
$80,000 |
To support the North Avenue Community Ambassador Program |
2024 |
The Annie P Robinson Foundation |
$2,000 |
To support the 2024 Send Off a Scholar Challenge at North Division High School |
2024 |
The LeadersTrust |
$2,500 |
To support general operations |
2024 |
The LeadersTrust |
$155,000 |
To partner with three ZFF grantees to identify, prioritize, and implement organizational strengthening projects |
2024 |
The Redress Movement |
$1,361 |
To support participation in the NCRC conference |
2024 |
The Redress Movement |
$90,000 |
To educate, convene, and mobilize residents and community leaders about the long-term harm created by policies to segregate communities; and to increase homeownership and access to affordable rental housing in ZNI neighborhoods |
2024 |
The Sherman Park Community Association, Inc. |
$631 |
To support participation in the NCRC conference |
2024 |
TransCenter for Youth |
$100,000 |
To support the Escuela Verde Newline Community Cafe in Layton Boulevard |
2024 |
United Community Center |
$200,000 |
To support homebuyer education and counseling services to low- and moderate-income homebuyers in Clarke Square, Layton Boulevard West, and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2024 |
United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County |
$98,154 |
To match Zilber Ltd employee contributions via the United Way campaign |
2024 |
Urban Economic Development Association of Wisconsin (UEDA) |
$25,000 |
To support the Bank On Greater Milwaukee Coalition |
2024 |
Urban Economic Development Association of Wisconsin (UEDA) |
$160,000 |
To provide technical assistance to nonprofits working on housing and community economic development |
2024 |
$350,000 |
To implement affordable housing development and preservation, economic development, and community building in the Silver City, Burnham Park, Layton Park and Clarke Square neighborhoods |
2024 |
Visiting Nurse Association of Wisconsin, Inc. |
$75,000 |
To support palliative, end of life care |
2024 |
Waikiki Health |
$50,000 |
To support services for homeless adults through the Keauhou Shelter |
2024 |
Waikiki Health |
$10,000 |
For sharing time and talent with the ZFF board and staff in December 2024 |
2024 |
Walker's Point Youth & Family Center |
$10,000 |
To support youth shelter operations |
2024 |
Walker's Point Youth & Family Center |
$100,000 |
To support youth shelter operations |
2024 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$324,000 |
To support the revitalization of Lindsay Heights through economic stability initiatives |
2024 |
Wisconsin Philanthropy Network |
$105,000 |
To support the regional grantmakers association to advance effective philanthropy in Wisconsin |
2024 |
Wisconsin Policy Forum |
$3,000 |
To support the Forum Friday program |
2024 |
Wisconsin Voices |
$50,000 |
To support nonpartisan voter education and outreach in Milwaukee |
2024 |
Wisconsin Watch |
$800,000 |
To support the sustainability of the Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service |
2024 |
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) |
$150,000 |
To support small business education, coaching, and economic development activities in ZNI neighborhoods |
2024 |
Women's Fund of Hawaii |
$25,000 |
To support grants for women and girls in Hawaii |
2023 |
African American Leadership Alliance Milwaukee |
$40,000 |
To support the implementation of AALAM's narrative change strategy |
2023 |
African American Roundtable |
$25,000 |
To build the skills, knowledge, and power of Black leaders in Milwaukee |
2023 |
American Red Cross of Southeast Wisconsin |
$5,000 |
To support the Home Fire campaign |
2023 |
Black Leaders Organizing Communities (BLOC) |
$25,000 |
To support nonpartisan civic engagement, leadership development, and wellness resources for staff |
2023 |
Capuchin Community Services |
$80,000 |
To replace approximately 20 windows in the St. Ben's Community Meal Program Hall |
2023 |
Cathedral Center, Inc. |
$108,000 |
To support safe shelter and case management services to help women and families gain independence, acquire permanent housing, and prevent future homelessness |
2023 |
Cesar Chavez Drive BID #38 |
$65,000 |
To improve the Chavez Drive commercial corridor in Clarke Square |
2023 |
Community Advocates |
$216,000 |
To support access to safe, affordable, and quality housing |
2023 |
Community Development Alliance |
$500,000 |
To support the construction of 20 affordable duplexes |
2023 |
Community Warehouse |
$80,000 |
To support the sale of discounted home improvement and household materials |
2023 |
Community Water Services |
$50,000 |
To build organizational capacity to eliminate lead contamination in drinking water |
2023 |
Cross Lutheran Church |
$108,000 |
To support for basic human needs and mental health programs in Lindsay Heights |
2023 |
Data You Can Use |
$2,200 |
To support participation in the NCRC conference |
2023 |
Data You Can Use |
$25,000 |
To support fundraising and leadership development |
2023 |
Data You Can Use |
$226,000 |
To support the delivery of data technical assistance and training to nonprofits, residents, and funders |
2023 |
Dominican Center for Women |
$2,000 |
To support participation in the NCRC conference |
2023 |
Dominican Center for Women |
$10,000 |
To support technology upgrades |
2023 |
Dynamic Community Solutions |
$100,000 |
To support the construction of homes and communal buildings for Puuhonua O Waianae's Farm Village |
2023 |
Ezekiel Community Development Corporation |
$125,000 |
To implement its Home Electrical Safety Program in Lindsay Heights |
2023 |
Fondy Food Center |
$120,000 |
To increase farm production, connect residents to locally-grown produce, and strengthen organizational infrastructure |
2023 |
Fondy Food Center |
$200,000 |
To support local entrepreneurs and small family farmers, while improving healthy, local food access at the Fondy Farmers Market |
2023 |
Friedens Community Ministries |
$25,000 |
To support the Friedens Food Pantries throughout the city of Milwaukee |
2023 |
Friendship Inc. |
$44,000 |
To support general operations |
2023 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation - Nonprofit Management Fund |
$3,000 |
To support the increased cost of doing business for the Nonprofit Management Fund |
2023 |
Habilitat Inc. |
$60,000 |
To support residential substance use treatment services |
2023 |
Hale Kipa |
$55,000 |
To support houseless youth on Oahu |
2023 |
Harvard Business School Club of Wisconsin |
$3,000 |
To support the training and education of Milwaukee nonprofit leaders at Harvard |
2023 |
Hawaii Community Foundation |
$850,531 |
To support qualified nonprofit organizations in Hawaii, especially those focused on the issues of behavioral and mental health |
2023 |
Hawaii Community Foundation |
$50,000 |
To support the Maui Strong Fund |
2023 |
Hawai'i People's Fund |
$50,000 |
To support the Giving Project, grantmaking and grantee support, and amplification campaigns |
2023 |
Historic Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support Doors Open 2023 |
2023 |
Ho'ola Na Pua |
$2,745 |
To attend the Institute on Violence Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) Summit in Hawaii |
2023 |
Hope House of Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support exterior painting |
2023 |
Housing Resources, Inc. |
$76,500 |
To support additional staff and consulting services |
2023 |
JobsWork MKE, Inc. |
$108,000 |
To support personal financial management and job readiness training |
2023 |
Journey House |
$150,000 |
To support the THRIVE training and internship program |
2023 |
Journey House |
$325,000 |
To support Journey House's youth and family programs in the Clarke Square neighborhood |
2023 |
KEY Project |
$108,000 |
To support general operations |
2023 |
Kinai Eha |
$2,500 |
To support general operations |
2023 |
Kukolu Organization |
$50,000 |
To support Native Hawaiian and Indigenous businesses and build community educational events and scholarship programs |
2023 |
Latino Entrepreneurial Network Incorporated |
$65,000 |
To support small business training, coaching, and economic development activities in Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West |
2023 |
Le Jardin Academy |
$500,000 |
To support Le Jardin Academy's capital projects |
2023 |
Legal Action of Wisconsin |
$100,000 |
To support free housing-related legal services for residents in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2023 |
Lindsay Heights NID 12 |
$100,000 |
To support home repairs for homeowners in Lindsay Heights |
2023 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$216,000 |
To support homeownership and small business opportunities |
2023 |
Mental Health America of Hawaii |
$86,000 |
To support mental health training, education, and advocacy across the state of Hawaii |
2023 |
MENTOR Greater Milwaukee |
$5,000 |
To support general operations |
2023 |
Meta House |
$500,000 |
To support Project Horizon |
2023 |
Meta House |
$108,000 |
To support outpatient treatment for women struggling with drug and alcohol addiction |
2023 |
Metro Milwaukee Mediation Services |
$135,000 |
To support housing mediation services to prevent evictions and foreclosures; to retain a consultant to implement recommendations from an organizational assessment |
2023 |
Milwaukee Center for Independence Foundation |
$162,000 |
To support the Level Up program |
2023 |
Milwaukee Christian Center |
$108,000 |
To support the rehab and construction of single-family homes in the Clarke Square neighborhood |
2023 |
Milwaukee Film |
$10,000 |
To support Cultures & Community programming |
2023 |
Milwaukee Food Council |
$100,000 |
To build organizational capacity |
2023 |
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity |
$250,000 |
To build 10 new homes in Lindsay Heights and provide critical home repairs to homeowners in ZNI neighborhoods |
2023 |
Milwaukee Public Library Foundation |
$5,000 |
To support general operations |
2023 |
MKE Black |
$10,000 |
To support small business outreach in ZNI neighborhoods |
2023 |
Northwest Side Community Development Corporation |
$600,000 |
To support small businesses and commercial corridors in ZNI neighborhoods |
2023 |
Parents and Children Together |
$55,000 |
To support programs and services for children and families across the state of Hawaii |
2023 |
Partners in Care |
$100,000 |
To support and coordinate housing programs for homeless individuals and families |
2023 |
Partners in Development Foundation |
$2,500 |
To support general operations |
2023 |
PEARLS for Teen Girls |
$250,000 |
To match year-end gifts to support PEARLS operations |
2023 |
Redress Movement |
$1,000 |
To support participation in the NCRC conference |
2023 |
Redress Movement |
$45,000 |
To educate, convene, and mobilize residents and community leaders about the long-term harm created by policies to segregate communities; and to increase homeownership and access to affordable rental housing in ZNI neighborhoods |
2023 |
Residential Youth Services and Empowerment (RYSE) |
$55,000 |
To support outreach and shelter programs for homeless youth on Oahu |
2023 |
Residential Youth Services and Empowerment (RYSE) |
$2,500 |
To support general operations |
2023 |
Revitalize Milwaukee |
$800,000 |
To replace 50 roofs for income qualified homeowners in ZNI neighborhoods |
2023 |
Revitalize Milwaukee |
$600,000 |
To support home improvement matching grants in Clarke Square; and to provide free home repairs for low-income homeowners in ZNI neighborhoods |
2023 |
Riverworks Development Corporation |
$150,000 |
To support the expansion of the Riverworks Financial Clinic and Milwaukee's designation as a Financial Empowerment City |
2023 |
Safe & Sound |
$150,000 |
To support community organizing in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods to improve neighborhood and housing conditions, quality of life, and economic growth |
2023 |
Southside Organizing Committee |
$800 |
To support participation in the NCRC conference |
2023 |
Street Angels Inc. |
$50,000 |
To support mobile outreach efforts that assist homeless individuals in Milwaukee |
2023 |
The Bridge Project |
$1,575,000 |
To provide unconditional cash transfers for two years to 100 Milwaukee mothers living in and around the three ZNI neighborhoods |
2023 |
The LeadersTrust |
$80,000 |
To recommend capacity-building opportunities with ZFF grantees |
2023 |
The LeadersTrust |
$165,000 |
To partner with three ZFF grantees to identify and implement organizational strengthening priorities |
2023 |
The Table - Alice's Garden |
$105,000 |
To support emerging and established food-based entrepreneurs and small businesses in Lindsay Heights |
2023 |
United Community Center |
$100,000 |
To support the Latinas Unidas Residential Treatment Program |
2023 |
UniteWI |
$150,000 |
To support the development of 2501 W. North Avenue in Lindsay Heights |
2023 |
Urban Economic Development Association of Wisconsin (UEDA) |
$25,000 |
To support Bank On Greater Milwaukee Coalition to minimize barriers to banking access and improve financial equity for underserved households |
2023 |
UWM Foundation |
$20,000,000 |
To sustain the Zilber College of Public Health with longterm support for faculty excellence and student achievement |
2023 |
$800 |
To support participation in the NCRC conference |
2023 |
$250,000 |
To purchase a property on National Avenue to serve as VIA's new headquarters |
2023 |
$150,000 |
To support VIA's home improvement matching grants program that provides direct assistance to homeowners for repairs in the Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2023 |
Village MKE, Inc. |
$25,000 |
To support a leadership development fellowship program for Black executives leading organizations that support Black individuals in Milwaukee |
2023 |
Waikiki Health |
$50,000 |
To support services for homeless youth and adults |
2023 |
Walker's Point Youth & Family Center |
$75,000 |
To support porch repairs at the youth shelter |
2023 |
Wisconsin Policy Forum |
$10,000 |
To support a report: Small Business Landscape in Milwaukee |
2023 |
Wisconsin Policy Forum |
$3,000 |
To support Forum Fridays |
2023 |
Wisconsin Preservation Fund, Inc. |
$250,000 |
To support the emerging developers revolving loan fund |
2023 |
Wisconsin World Affairs Council |
$10,000 |
To support the World Affairs Seminar |
2023 |
YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee |
$100,000 |
To support early childhood education, youth development, and healthy living programs in Lindsay Heights and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2023 |
YWCA of Oahu |
$108,000 |
To support women transitioning from incarceration back into their communities |
2023 |
YWCA Southeast Wisconsin |
$135,000 |
To support personal financial management coaching, education, and matched savings for Lindsay Heights residents |
2022 |
4th Dimension Recovery |
$10,000 |
To support 4D's sober living house |
2022 |
Acts Housing |
$250,000 |
To support home purchase and rehab loans for individuals and families in ZNI neighborhoods |
2022 |
Acts Housing |
$1,000,000 |
To develop Milwaukee's Acquisition of Homeownership Initiative, a new strategic acquisition fund for affordable homeownership in partnership with the Community Development Alliance |
2022 |
Acts Housing |
$200,000 |
To support for homebuyer counseling, real estate brokerage services lending, and home rehab management in ZNI and other low- to moderate-income neighborhoods |
2022 |
African American Leadership Alliance Milwaukee |
$100,000 |
To support developing and sustaining African American leaders in the Milwaukee region |
2022 |
Aloha United Way |
$10,000 |
To support general operations |
2022 |
Aurora Zilber Family Hospice |
$150,000 |
To provide general operating support for the provision of end of life care at the Aurora Zilber Family Hospice |
2022 |
Black Leaders Organizing Communities |
$25,000 |
To support the nonpartisan civic engagement program, leadership development, and wellness resources for staff |
2022 |
Bobby Benson Center |
$10,000 |
To support general operations |
2022 |
Castle Medical Center, dba Adventist Health Castle |
$500,000 |
To support the renovation of the Kailua Professional Center to expand access to integrated primary care and behavioral health services |
2022 |
Cathedral Center |
$25,000 |
To support expenses related to COVID-19 |
2022 |
Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative, Inc. |
$400,000 |
To serve as lead agency in Clarke Square and implement community economic development, housing, and arts and culture action plans in partnership with residents and stakeholders |
2022 |
Community Connections Small Grants Program at the Greater Milwaukee Foundation |
$40,000 |
To provide small grants for resident-led projects in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2022 |
Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
$200,000 |
To support the Community Development Alliance (CDA) to act as the coordinating entity to implement a city-wide affordable housing plan; align public/private resources; track progress towards shared goals; and support continuous communication across housing funders and implementers |
2022 |
Data You Can Use |
$2,500 |
To support participation in the Forward48 leadership development program |
2022 |
Data You Can Use |
$10,000 |
To support Data Dream 2022 |
2022 |
Data You Can Use |
$1,000 |
To support the Measurement Collaborative |
2022 |
Dominican Center for Women |
$5,000 |
To support general operations |
2022 |
Dynamic Community Solutions |
$100,000 |
To support Puuhonua O Waianae Farm Village which will provide affordable permanent housing for those experiencing homelessness |
2022 |
Feeding America of Eastern Wisconsin |
$5,000 |
To support healthy food for those in need in Milwaukee |
2022 |
Fellowship Open Inc. |
$10,000 |
To support the MKE Fellows program |
2022 |
Forward Community Investments |
$100,000 |
To support lending and technical assistance in ZNI neighborhoods |
2022 |
Forward Community Investments (for Hispanic Collaborative) |
$525,000 |
To address the underrepresentation of Latinos in the real estate industry by launching the Hispanic Emerging Developer Fund in partnership with the Hispanic Collaborative |
2022 |
Frameworks |
$30,000 |
To support the African American Leadership Alliance of Milwaukee to increase and retain the number of African Americans in leadership roles in private, nonprofit, and public sectors in Milwaukee |
2022 |
Friendship Inc. |
$20,000 |
To support safe, healthy, educational, social, and recreational environment for those and their families who are recovering from alcoholism and other drug addictions |
2022 |
Girl Scouts of Hawaii |
$50,000 |
To support the Girl Scouts of Hawaii STEM Center for Excellence at Paumalu |
2022 |
Gratitude Grants |
$300,000 |
To honor the difficult and important work that our nonprofit partners do by allocating 67 grants for employee wellness and appreciation |
2022 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation |
$100,000 |
To renew support for 145 nonprofits to access the Catchafire portal and match with highly-skilled, vetted, pro-bono consultants to complete projects that meet operating, organizational,and programmatic needs |
2022 |
Guest House of Milwaukee |
$100,000 |
To support housing, shelter, education, and services to aid clients and community members in living independently and recovering from mental illness and addiction |
2022 |
Hawaii Alliance of Nonprofit Organizations (HANO) |
$40,000 |
To support HANO's Nonprofit Compensation Report and general operating expenses |
2022 |
Hawaii Community Foundation |
$200,000 |
To support nonprofit organizations in Hawaii |
2022 |
Hawaii Foodbank |
$10,000 |
To support general operations |
2022 |
Hawaii Funder Hui |
$50,000 |
To support the Hawaii Funder Hui, a network focused on collaboration and information sharing to promote effective philanthropy in Hawaii |
2022 |
Hispanic Collaborative |
$50,000 |
To support the expansion of Mercado MKE, a free online marketplace and ecommerce site, to additional small businesses from ZNI neighborhoods |
2022 |
Historic Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support Doors Open 2022 |
2022 |
Ho'ola Na Pua |
$1,200 |
To support staff attendance at the Institute on Violence Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) Summit |
2022 |
Housing Resources, Inc. |
$125,000 |
To support down payment assistance for individuals and families to purchase homes in ZNI neighborhoods and improve HRI technology |
2022 |
Housing Resources, Inc. |
$200,000 |
To support homebuyer education and counseling services for low- and moderate-income homebuyers in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2022 |
Housing Resources, Inc. |
$5,000 |
To support the Roxanne Defoe Fund |
2022 |
Hui Mahi'ai Aina |
$10,000 |
To support general operations |
2022 |
IHS, The Institute for Human Services |
$150,000 |
To support tailored housing solutions and services for homeless individuals and families |
2022 |
Imagine MKE |
$36,000 |
To activate commercial corridors in Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West through art installations, events, and cultural branding of business districts |
2022 |
IMPACT Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Service, Inc. |
$10,000 |
To support IMPACT Connect |
2022 |
Kako `o `Oiwi |
$2,500 |
To support general operations |
2022 |
Kūkulu Switchboard |
$25,000 |
To support the Kūkulu Switchboard, an online platform that connects nonprofits in Hawaii with resources and partners |
2022 |
Legal Action of Wisconsin |
$50,000 |
To support free housing-related legal services for residents in ZNI neighborhoods |
2022 |
Legal Aid Society |
$100,000 |
To support free civil legal services to residents and small business owners in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2022 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$80,000 |
To support coaching to small businesses, entrepreneurs, and commercial property owners in Lindsay Heights, Clarke Square, and near downtown neighborhoods |
2022 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$216,000 |
To renew support to increase homeownership opportunities, increase small business creation and growth for entrepreneurs of color, and improve conditions in commercial corridors in underserved neighborhoods |
2022 |
Literacy Services of Wisconsin |
$43,200 |
To renew support for adult literacy education and workforce readiness skills development |
2022 |
Make-A-Wish Hawaii |
$100,000 |
To support granting wishes for children in Hawaii |
2022 |
Marquette University |
$5,000 |
To support the Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service |
2022 |
Menomonee Valley Partners |
$40,000 |
To support the Menomonee Valley Partners' strategic planning process |
2022 |
Mental Health Emergency Center |
$150,000 |
To support start-up operating costs and to enhance professional and medical education programs at the newly constructed Mental Health Emergency Center |
2022 |
MENTOR Greater Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support general operations |
2022 |
Meta House |
$100,000 |
To support pre-development costs for Project Horizon |
2022 |
Metro Milwaukee Fair Housing Council |
$78,000 |
To provide technical assistance to nonprofits working to support affordable homeownership in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2022 |
Metro Milwaukee Mediation Services |
$7,000 |
To support an organizational assessment |
2022 |
Milwaukee Area Technical College |
$200,000 |
To support student retention in an effort to build a diverse, skilled workforce for the Milwaukee area through the MATC Retention Grant program |
2022 |
Milwaukee Black Grassroots Network for Health Equity |
$300,000 |
To support start-up costs for the Milwaukee Black Grassroots Network for Health Equity, a collection of Black leaders and organizations building partnerships and capacity in Milwaukee to address barriers that prevent Black people from being healthy |
2022 |
Milwaukee Community Land Trust |
$300,000 |
To support the development of permanently affordable homeownership in Lindsay Heights |
2022 |
Milwaukee Film |
$10,000 |
To support the 2022 Cultures & Communities Festival |
2022 |
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity |
$10,000 |
To support general operations |
2022 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$50,000 |
To support pre-development costs for NeuVue, a mixed-use building that would provide affordable housing for Neu-Life youth workers and additional program space for the organization |
2022 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$3,000 |
To support the Safer City MKE Youth Movement pilot program |
2022 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$200,000 |
To support Neu-Life's youth development programs in the Lindsay Heights neighborhood |
2022 |
Nonprofit Management Fund |
$75,000 |
To support the Nonprofit Management Fund's efforts to build nonprofit organizational effectiveness |
2022 |
North Division High School Alumni Association |
$5,000 |
In honor of Keith Carrington |
2022 |
North Shore Life Guard Association |
$10,000 |
To support general operations |
2022 |
PEARLS for Teen Girls |
$216,000 |
To renew support for mentoring and leadership development programs for girls |
2022 |
PEARLS for Teen Girls |
$50,000 |
To provide capacity building support for a brand refresh |
2022 |
Penfield Children's Center |
$100,000 |
To support mental health services for children with emotional and behavioral challenges through Penfield's Behavior Health Clinic |
2022 |
Prism Economic Development Corporation |
$25,000 |
To support expenses related to COVID-19 |
2022 |
Project Vision Hawaii |
$108,000 |
To provide health and human services to access-challenged communities via mobile services units and community health fairs |
2022 |
RCM Community Fund |
$2,000 |
To support general operations |
2022 |
Riverworks Development Corporation |
$100,000 |
To support the Riverworks Financial Clinic and the delivery of career and personal finance services to low-income individuals and households in Milwaukee |
2022 |
Running Rebels Community Organization |
$200,000 |
To support capital improvements at Running Rebels Central in Lindsay Heights |
2022 |
Running Rebels Community Organization |
$216,000 |
To renew support for intervention and prevention services for at-risk youth and young adults |
2022 |
Running Rebels Community Organization |
$50,000 |
To contract with an accounting firm |
2022 |
SecureFutures |
$70,000 |
To provide financial literacy and education programs for teens, including one-on-one coaching and mentoring |
2022 |
Serenity Inns |
$60,000 |
To support programs for men in recovery from addiction and alcoholism |
2022 |
Social Development Foundation |
$200,000 |
To support homebuyer education and counseling services to low- and moderate-income homebuyers in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2022 |
Sojourner Family Peace Center |
$392,000 |
To support the Community Domestic Abuse Advocacy Program and renew support for the Center's outcomes and evaluation work |
2022 |
Southside Organizing Committee |
$86,400 |
To renew support for bilingual resident outreach, education, and organizing on Milwaukee's southside |
2022 |
Southside Organizing Committee |
$50,000 |
To support organizational development activities |
2022 |
Teens Grow Greens |
$10,000 |
To support the financial literacy program |
2022 |
The Gathering of Southeast Wisconsin |
$18,000 |
To support expenses related to COVID-19 |
2022 |
The Mindful Group Inc. |
$7,500 |
To support housing and economic development programs |
2022 |
TransCenter for Youth |
$89,000 |
To support the Escuela Verde Newline Community Café in Layton Boulevard, and the construction of a mobile coffee cart to serve the community |
2022 |
United Community Center |
$170,000 |
To support increased capacity for homebuyer education and counseling services for individuals and families purchasing homes in Clarke Square, Layton Boulevard West, and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2022 |
United Methodist Children's Services of WI, Inc. |
$250,000 |
To serve as the fiscal agent for the Reclaiming Our Neighborhoods Coalition that works to improve the quality of housing in Milwaukee neighborhoods through data-informed, resident-engaged strategies and actions |
2022 |
Urban Economic Development Association of Wisconsin |
$180,000 |
To provide technical assistance to nonprofits working on housing and community economic development |
2022 |
$270,000 |
To provide direct assistance to small businesses and homeowners, improve property conditions along National Avenue, paydown debt on a commercial property, and improve VIA's financial stability |
2022 |
$250,000 |
To support the build of two model homes, one in Lindsay Heights and one in Layton Boulevard West |
2022 |
$695,000 |
To continue to serve as the lead agency in the Silver City, Burnham Park, Layton Park neighborhoods |
2022 |
Vision to Learn |
$100,000 |
To match up to $100,000 in donations derived from the Holiday Impact Prize column in the New York Times |
2022 |
Vision to Learn |
$100,000 |
To support the Better Vision for Keiki program to provide free vision care to public school students |
2022 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$40,000 |
To support the establishment of the Lindsay Heights Neighborhood Improvement District (NID) |
2022 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$648,000 |
To continue to serve as the lead agency in Lindsay Heights |
2022 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$100,000 |
To support the conversion of two vacant lots into parking for the Innovation & Wellness Commons in Lindsay Heights |
2022 |
Wisconsin Community Services, Inc. |
$100,000 |
To support the purchase and renovation of a property to provide supportive housing for individuals recovering from addiction |
2022 |
Wisconsin Partnership for Housing Development |
$10,000 |
To support a free public screening of the documentary PUSH and Community Discussion at A Home for Everyone Conference |
2022 |
Wisconsin Philanthropy Network |
$50,000 |
To support the regional grantmakers association that works to promote effective philanthropy in Wisconsin |
2022 |
Wisconsin Policy Forum |
$3,000 |
To support the Forum Friday series |
2022 |
Wisconsin Voices |
$10,000 |
To support nonpartisan media messaging and outreach |
2022 |
Wisconsin Voices |
$100,000 |
To support voter education and outreach in Milwaukee |
2022 |
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) |
$300,000 |
To support small businesses education, coaching, and economic development activities in ZNI neighborhoods |
2021 |
808 CleanUps |
$3,000 |
To support the Pathways to Community Leadership Nonprofit Competition |
2021 |
Acts Housing |
$100,000 |
To pilot a property tax and repair loan fund for homeowners in the Lindsay Heights, Clarke Square, and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2021 |
Acts Housing |
$100,000 |
To support homebuyer counseling, real estate brokerage services, lending, and home rehab management in ZNI and other low- to moderate-income neighborhoods |
2021 |
Adventist Health Castle |
$100,000 |
To support unexpected emergency expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Adventist Health Castle |
$10,000 |
To support the development and implementation of a resiliency program for associates |
2021 |
American Red Cross |
$10,000 |
To support emergency shelter, food, and personal protection equipment (PPE) for families displaced by a fire in the Layton Boulevard West neighborhood |
2021 |
Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii |
$25,000 |
To support unexpected emergency expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Capuchin Community Services |
$100,000 |
To support the St. Ben's Community Meal Program and other supportive services for people experiencing homelessness and mental health issue |
2021 |
Cathedral Center |
$100,000 |
To support the provision of safe shelter and case management services to help women and families gain independence, acquire permanent housing, and prevent future homelessness |
2021 |
Cathedral Center |
$25,000 |
To support emergency expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Cesar Chavez Drive BID #38 |
$60,000 |
To support engaging local business and property owners to improve the Chavez Drive commercial corridor in Clarke Square |
2021 |
Chef Hui |
$25,000 |
To support the Chef Hui's Mahi'ai Meal Kit program which feeds families in Hawaii while also providing nutrition and culinary education |
2021 |
Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative |
$100,000 |
A program related investment to support the acquisition of a property located on 16th Street and National Avenue that will serve as CSNI headquarters |
2021 |
Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative |
$75,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Commonbond |
$1,000 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
Community Advocates |
$200,000 |
To increase access to safe, affordable, and quality rental housing in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods and to help individuals experiencing homelessness find permanent supportive housing |
2021 |
Cross Lutheran Church |
$100,000 |
To renew support for basic human needs and mental health programs for low-income youth and adults in Lindsay Heights, and to enhance community program space |
2021 |
Data You Can Use |
$8,000 |
To support the Measurement Collaborative project |
2021 |
Data You Can Use |
$200,000 |
To support the delivery of data technical assistance and training to nonprofits and funders working in ZNI and other neighborhoods |
2021 |
Dominican Center for Women |
$500 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
Fellowship Open |
$10,000 |
To support the MKE Fellow program |
2021 |
Fondy Food Center |
$25,000 |
To support emergency expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Fondy Food Center |
$100,000 |
To support local entrepreneurs and small family farmers, while improving healthy, local food access at the Fondy Farmers Market, a century old market located in Lindsay Heights |
2021 |
Forward Community Investments |
$50,000 |
To support lending and technical assistance for emerging developers and Milwaukee nonprofits working in ZNI neighborhoods |
2021 |
Friedens Food Pantry |
$25,000 |
To support unexpected operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Greater Milwaukee Catchafire Partnership |
$50,000 |
To renew support for 100 nonprofits to access the Catchafire portal and match with highly skilled, vetted, pro-bono consultants to complete projects that meet operating, organizational, and programmatic needs |
2021 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation (Community Development Alliance) |
$50,000 |
To support the Community Development Alliance to act as the coordinating entity to draft a city-wide affordable housing strategy and implementation plan |
2021 |
Guest House of Milwaukee |
$25,000 |
To support unexpected operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Habilitat |
$50,000 |
To support construction services and facility management training for program participants |
2021 |
Hale Kipa |
$50,000 |
To support the Community-Based Outreach and Advocacy program, providing wraparound support services to youth ages 10-21 and their families |
2021 |
Hawaii Children's Action Network |
$2,000 |
To support the Pathways to Community Leadership Nonprofit Competition |
2021 |
Hawaii Community Foundation |
$100,000 |
To support a donor advised fund that would make charitable distributions to qualified nonprofit organizations in Hawaii |
2021 |
Hawaii Investment Ready (Hawaii Funder Hui) |
$25,000 |
To support the start-up of the Hawaii Funder Hui, a network focused on collaboration and information sharing to promote effective philanthropy in Hawaii |
2021 |
Healthy Food Movement MKE |
$6,700 |
To document the progress to date and the value of collaboration when addressing issues of hunger and food security in Milwaukee |
2021 |
Historic Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support Doors Open 2021 |
2021 |
Ho'ola Na Pua |
$150,000 |
To support sex trafficking prevention, treatment, and reintegration programs |
2021 |
Housing Resources, Inc. |
$1,000 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
Housing Resources, Inc. |
$75,000 |
To support homebuyer education and counseling services to low- and moderate-income homebuyers in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2021 |
Journey House |
$500 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
Journey House |
$150,000 |
To support the operation of Journey House's financial opportunity center |
2021 |
Journey House |
$400,000 |
To support Journey House's youth and family programs in Clarke Square |
2021 |
Journey House |
$200,000 |
To support the $16 million Journey Forward Campaign to help construct and open the Journey House Café and upgrade the existing HVAC system in the Journey House Center |
2021 |
Kahumana |
$25,000 |
To support unexpected operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Kapiolani Health Foundation |
$100,000 |
To support unexpected emergency expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
KEY Project |
$100,000 |
To support the Living Library Project, a media production space for youth and seniors to create virtual stories about the communities' past, present, and future |
2021 |
Latino Entrepreneurial Network Incorporated |
$60,000 |
To support personal financial management and small business training, coaching, and economic development activities in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2021 |
Le Jardin Academy |
$60,000 |
To support unexpected operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$1,000 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$200,000 |
To support economic development, family wealth building, housing, community engagement, and capacity building for nonprofits |
2021 |
MADD Hawaii |
$10,000 |
To support the Walk Like MADD event |
2021 |
Make-A-Wish Hawaii |
$50,000 |
To support granting wishes for children in Hawaii |
2021 |
Marquette University - Neighborhood News Service |
$500 |
For participating in a Zilber Family Foundation Lunch and Learn session |
2021 |
Mental Health America of Hawaii |
$80,000 |
To support mental health training, education, and advocacy across the state of Hawaii |
2021 |
Meta House |
$100,000 |
To support outpatient treatment for women struggling with drug and alcohol addiction |
2021 |
Metcalfe Community Bridges |
$2,000 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
Metro Milwaukee Mediation Services |
$120,000 |
To support housing mediation services to prevent evictions and foreclosures |
2021 |
Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (Hispanic Collaborative) |
$25,000 |
To expand a free online marketplace and ecommerce site, MercadoMKE, to small business from ZNI neighborhoods |
2021 |
Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council |
$340 |
To support the Fair Lending Program |
2021 |
Milwaukee Area Health Education Center |
$25,000 |
To support the COVID-19 Vaccine Grassroots Community Mobilization effort |
2021 |
Milwaukee Area Health Education Center |
$6,250 |
To support the Community Mobilizer Christmas COVID-19 Clinic |
2021 |
Milwaukee Center for Independence |
$50,000 |
To purchase a box truck with lift gate for food delivery throughout Milwaukee |
2021 |
Milwaukee Center for Independence Foundation |
$150,000 |
To support paid, on-the-job trainings for participants from ZNI neighborhoods facing employment barriers |
2021 |
Milwaukee Christian Center |
$100,000 |
To repair and rehab single-family homes and develop new single-family homes in the Clarke Square neighborhood |
2021 |
Milwaukee Community Business Collaborative |
$100,000 |
To renew support for the delivery of personal financial management, job readiness training and education, and small business supports for residents of Lindsay Heights and surrounding neighborhoods |
2021 |
Milwaukee County Historical Society |
$10,000 |
To support John Gurda's three-year project plan to chronicle Milwaukee's history |
2021 |
Milwaukee Crime Stoppers |
$5,000 |
For general operating support |
2021 |
Milwaukee Film |
$10,000 |
To support the 2021 Cultures & Communities Festival |
2021 |
Milwaukee Food Council |
$50,000 |
To support the Milwaukee Food Council's operating expenses and emergency programming expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity |
$100,000 |
To support critical home repairs for low-to-moderate income homeowners in Lindsay Heights |
2021 |
Near West Side Partners |
$1,000 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$500 |
To support the Lindsay Heights vaccination clinic |
2021 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$50,000 |
To support pre-development costs for NeuVue |
2021 |
North Avenue Marketplace BID #32 |
$60,000 |
To support efforts to engage local business and property owners and improve the Fond du Lac Avenue and North Avenue commercial corridors |
2021 |
North West Side CDC |
$500 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
Pali Momi Foundation |
$100,000 |
To support unexpected emergency expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Parents and Children Together (PACT) |
$50,000 |
To support mental health training, education, and advocacy across the state of Hawaii |
2021 |
Partners In Care |
$60,000 |
To support and coordinate housing programs for homeless individuals and families |
2021 |
Professional Dimensions |
$2,500 |
To support the Fair Lending Program |
2021 |
Project Vision Hawaii |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Reagan High School Arts Partnership |
$5,000 |
In honor of Mary Ellen McCormack-Mervis |
2021 |
Reclaiming Our Neighborhoods (RON) |
$10,000 |
To support the coordination of RON efforts and increase the capacity of neighborhood organizations in conducting housing surveys |
2021 |
Residential Youth Services and Empowerment (RYSE) |
$50,000 |
To support outreach and shelter programs for homeless youth on Oahu |
2021 |
Revitalize Milwaukee |
$600,000 |
To renew support for a home improvement matching grant program in the Clarke Square neighborhood; and to provide free home repairs for low-income homeowners in ZNI neighborhoods |
2021 |
Riverworks Development Corp. |
$1,000 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
Riverworks Development Corp. |
$50,000 |
To support Riverworks' Financial Clinic and the delivery of career and personal finance services to low-income individuals and households |
2021 |
Running Rebels |
$25,000 |
To support unexpected operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Safe & Sound |
$150,000 |
To support work in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods to improve housing conditions, quality of life, and economic growth |
2021 |
Sherman Park Community Association |
$500 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
Sixteenth Street |
$500 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
Sojourner Foundation |
$100,000 |
To support unexpected operating and emergency expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Southside Organizing Committee |
$2,000 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
Southside Organizing Committee |
$25,000 |
To support unexpected operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care |
$400,000 |
To eliminate remaining debt and achieve financial sustainability at the St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care Bucyrus Campus in Lindsay Heights |
2021 |
Straub Foundation |
$100,000 |
To support the unexpected emergency expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
TransCenter for Youth |
$10,000 |
To support participation in the Mission Fuel Spring 2021 Accelerator Program |
2021 |
TransCenter for Youth (Escuela Verde) |
$25,000 |
To support general operating and program start-up expenses to open the Escuela Verde Newline Community Café in the Layton Boulevard West neighborhood |
2021 |
TRUE Skool |
$7,000 |
To support No Studio's Photo Fest 2021 |
2021 |
United Community Center |
$100,000 |
To support the construction and furnishing of the Ricardo Diaz Early Learning Academy |
2021 |
UniteMKE |
$125,000 |
To support the development costs of UniteNorth Ave, two tax-foreclosed properties, into affordable residential housing, a local workforce training restaurant, and UniteMKE's offices |
2021 |
UWM Foundation (Zilber School of Public Health) |
$300,000 |
To support the Ron Perez Legacy Fund; and to increase marketing and recruitment efforts to grow undergraduate student enrollment at the Zilber School of Public Health |
2021 |
$75,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
$500 |
To support individual contributions made to the Community Development Alliance (CDA) |
2021 |
$50,000 |
To support unexpected emergency expenses related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Vision to Learn |
$50,000 |
To support the Better Vision for Keiki program to provide free vision care to public school students |
2021 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp |
$75,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2021 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp |
$125,000 |
To support the acquisition and redevelopment costs of a commercial property to serve as Blue Skies Landscaping headquarters |
2021 |
Wisconsin Philanthropy Network |
$10,000 |
To support general operating and programming expenses |
2021 |
Wisconsin Policy Forum |
$4,000 |
To support the Wisconsin Policy Forum's “Forum Friday” |
2021 |
Women's Fund of Hawaii |
$50,000 |
To support grants for women and girls |
2021 |
YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee |
$60,000 |
To support early children education, youth development, healthy living and social responsibility programming, with a particular focus on serving families from Lindsay Heights |
2021 |
YWCA of Oahu |
$100,000 |
To support programming that helps women transition from incarceration back into their communities |
2021 |
YWCA of Oahu |
$500 |
For participating in a Zilber Family Foundation Lunch and Learn session |
2021 |
YWCA Southeast Wisconsin |
$500 |
For participating in a Zilber Family Foundation Lunch and Learn session |
2021 |
YWCA Southeast Wisconsin |
$125,000 |
To continue to support personal financial management coaching, education, and matched savings for Lindsay Heights' residents |
2020 |
Acts Housing |
$45,000 |
To support operating expenses and emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
African American Leadership Alliance of Milwaukee |
$100,000 |
To develop, support, and sustain African American leaders in the Milwaukee region |
2020 |
Aurora Healthcare Foundation for Zilber Family Hospice |
$50,000 |
To support the Zilber Family Hospice to offer training and educational opportunities for hospice and palliative care employees and volunteers |
2020 |
Boys & Girls Club Hawaii |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee |
$40,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Capuchin Community Services |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Cathedral Center |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Ceeds of Peace |
$25,000 |
To provide peace-building programs and events for adults and youth across the state |
2020 |
Cesar Chavez Business Improvement District 38 |
$29,000 |
To engage local business and property owners to improve the Chavez Drive commercial corridor in Clarke Square and to support the creation of a plaza around the Cesar Chavez sculpture |
2020 |
Chef Hui Fund |
$10,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative |
$205,000 |
To serve as the lead agency in Clarke Square and to implement community economic development, housing, and arts and culture action plans in partnership with residents and stakeholders |
2020 |
Community Advocates |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses and emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Community Warehouse |
$20,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Community Warehouse |
$80,000 |
To support the sale of discounted home improvement and household materials to residents in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2020 |
Dominican Center for Women |
$25,000 |
To lead revitalization efforts in the Amani neighborhood |
2020 |
Feeding America of Eastern Wisconsin |
$10,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Feeding America of Eastern Wisconsin |
$10,000 |
To support the design, creation, and installation of a mural on the facade of FAEW's Fond du Lac Avenue entrance |
2020 |
Fondy Food Center |
$10,000 |
To support the rebranding effort for the organization |
2020 |
Fondy Food Center |
$25,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Friendship Inc. |
$20,000 |
To support strategic planning and staffing |
2020 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation |
$100,000 |
To support the MKE Responds Fund to provide grants for immediate needs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic |
2020 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation (Catchafire) |
$40,000 |
To support 150 nonprofits via an online platform called Catchafire |
2020 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation (Community Connections Small Grants Program) |
$40,000 |
To continue to support small grants for resident-led projects in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2020 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation (Nonprofit Management Fund) |
$65,000 |
To join the Nonprofit Management Fund Funders Collaborative that supports nonprofit organizational effectiveness and support the organization assessment 2.0 project |
2020 |
Guest House of Milwaukee |
$54,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Hale Kipa, Inc. |
$50,000 |
To support operating expenses and emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Hawaii Community Foundation |
$100,000 |
To support the Hawaii Resilience Fund to address the impact of COVID-19 in Hawaii |
2020 |
Hawaii Community Foundation |
$10,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Hawaii Community Foundation (Chef Hui) |
$10,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Hawaii Education of the Arts |
$5,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Hawaii Foodbank |
$25,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Hawaii Investment Ready |
$10,000 |
To support the Switchboard project |
2020 |
Hawaii Investment Ready |
$7,000 |
To support the Next Gen Donors Hui |
2020 |
Historic Milwaukee |
$7,500 |
To support Doors Open 2020 |
2020 |
Ho`ola Na Pua |
$15,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Ho`ola Na Pua |
$250,000 |
To support the construction of the Bromley Family Pearl Haven Campus and to match a challenge grant |
2020 |
Housing Resources, Inc. |
$20,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
International Association for Human Values |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Journey House |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Journey House |
$75,000 |
To support financial education, skill building, and coaching to help individuals pursue long-term financial goals |
2020 |
Kahumana |
$15,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Kahumana |
$10,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Kualoa-He'eia Ecumenical Youth (KEY) Project |
$50,000 |
To provide programming for youth and seniors and strengthen organizational capacity |
2020 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$40,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$50,000 |
To support operating expenses and emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee |
$100,000 |
To support free civil legal services to residents in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2020 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$25,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$44,000 |
To support operating expenses and emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Literacy Services of Wisconsin |
$40,000 |
To support adult literacy education and workforce readiness skills development |
2020 |
Marquette University (Trinity Fellows) |
$34,000 |
To support a graduate student intern to work with the Zilber Family Foundation |
2020 |
Marquette University (Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service) |
$250,000 |
To support operating expenses for the Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service and its coverage of low-income minority neighborhoods in Milwaukee's central city through objective, professional reporting |
2020 |
Mediate Milwaukee |
$113,150 |
To support operating expenses and emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
$4,000 |
To support their role in the #MaskUpMKE project |
2020 |
Mental Health America of Hawaii |
$20,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Mental Health America of Hawaii |
$44,000 |
To provide mental health programming, advocacy, and community events for youth and adults in Hawaii |
2020 |
Metcalfe Park Community Bridges |
$10,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Metcalfe Park Community Bridges |
$25,000 |
To lead revitalization efforts in the Metcalfe Park neighborhood |
2020 |
Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Counsel |
$10,000 |
To support the Creating Move to Opportunity housing program |
2020 |
Milwaukee Center for Independence |
$50,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Milwaukee Community Business Collaborative |
$50,000 |
To support the delivery of financial skill building, job readiness training and education, and small business support for residents of Lindsay Heights and surrounding neighborhoods |
2020 |
Milwaukee Community Land Trust |
$10,000 |
To support operations and hiring of its first staff position |
2020 |
Milwaukee County Historical Society |
$10,000 |
To support John Gurda's three-year project plan |
2020 |
Milwaukee Film |
$5,000 |
To support the 2020 Minority Health Film Festival |
2020 |
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity |
$5,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity |
$50,000 |
To support critical home repairs for low-to-moderate income homeowners in Lindsay Heights |
2020 |
MPS Foundation |
$100,000 |
To provide a 1:1 match for donations to the #ConnectMilwaukee Campaign to provide free internet access to at least 5,000 Milwaukee Public Schools students |
2020 |
Neighborhood Improvement Development Corporation - Josey Heights |
$80,000 |
To support the construction of single-family homes at the Josey Heights subdivision in Lindsay Heights |
2020 |
Neighborhood Improvement Development - MERI |
$120,000 |
To support the redevelopment of foreclosed properties in Lindsay Heights |
2020 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
North Avenue Marketplace BID 32 |
$10,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Penfield Children's Center |
$10,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Penfield Children's Center |
$100,000 |
To support mental health services for children with emotional and behavioral challenges through its Behavior Health Clinic |
2020 |
Project Vision Hawaii |
$40,000 |
To support operating expenses and emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Project Vision Hawaii |
$100,000 |
To provide health and human services to access challenged communities via mobile services units and community health fairs free of charge |
2020 |
Radio Milwaukee |
$5,000 |
To support the By Every Measure program |
2020 |
Residential Youth Services and Empowerment (RYSE) |
$10,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Revitalize Milwaukee |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Riverworks Development Corporation |
$20,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Riverworks Development Corporation |
$50,000 |
To support financial education, skill building, and coaching to help individuals pursue long-term financial goals |
2020 |
Rotary Club of Honolulu |
$50,000 |
To support Phase II of the Centennial Park project |
2020 |
Running Rebels Community Organization |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Running Rebels Community Organization |
$10,000 |
In honor of RRCO's 40th Anniversary |
2020 |
Safe & Sound |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Sojourner Family Peace Center |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Sojourner Family Peace Center |
$400,000 |
To renew support for the Center's outcome and evaluation work and to support a client emergency assistance fund |
2020 |
Southside Organizing Committee |
$80,000 |
To support bilingual resident outreach, education, and organizing on Milwaukee's southside; and to participate in housing and economic development activities in Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2020 |
United Community Center |
$20,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
United Community Center |
$100,000 |
To support the building of the Early Learning Academy |
2020 |
Urban Economic Development Association |
$80,000 |
To support financial education and literacy and homeownership in ZNI neighborhoods |
2020 |
UWM Foundation |
$100,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp |
$640,000 |
To serve as the lead agency in Lindsay Heights and coordinate community economic development and housing activities for the neighborhood; and to support board development, training, and strategic planning |
2020 |
Wisconsin Philanthropy Network |
$25,000 |
For three executive directors of ZNI grantees to attend the Leadership Advanced program; ad to promote effective philanthropy in Wisconsin |
2020 |
Wisconsin Preservation Fund - Construction Loan Fund |
$150,000 |
To support the renovation and sale of properties in ZNI neighborhoods |
2020 |
Wisconsin Voices |
$100,000 |
To support nonpartisan voter education and outreach in Milwaukee |
2020 |
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) |
$25,000 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) |
$62,500 |
To support emergency programming related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) |
$300,000 |
To support small business education, coaching, and economic development activities in Lindsay Heights, Clarke Square, and Layton Boulevard West |
2020 |
Women's Fund of Hawaii |
$25,000 |
To support nonprofit organizations that help women and girls reach their full potential |
2020 |
YWCA Oahu |
$25,000 |
To support operating expenses related to COVID-19 |
2020 |
YWCA Southeast Wisconsin |
$50,000 |
To support personal financial management coaching and education for Lindsay Heights' residents |
2019 |
Acts Housing |
$200,000 |
To support homebuyer counseling, brokerage services, and home rehab management in ZNI and other low-to-moderate-income neighborhoods |
2019 |
Artists Working in Education |
$40,000 |
To support the Truck Studio program for youth in ZNI and other neighborhoods |
2019 |
Cathedral Center |
$100,000 |
To support the provision of safe shelter and case management services to help women and families gain independence, acquire permanent housing, and prevent future homelessness |
2019 |
Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative |
$7,500 |
To support organization assessment |
2019 |
Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative |
$210,000 |
To continue to serve as the lead agency in Clarke Square and coordinate community economic development and housing action planning for the neighborhood |
2019 |
Community Advocates |
$200,000 |
To support housing, mental health, and advocacy services to increase access to safe, affordable, and quality housing in ZNI neighborhoods |
2019 |
Community Warehouse |
$50,000 |
To support the sale of discounted home improvement materials and household goods to residents in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2019 |
Cross Lutheran Church |
$100,000 |
To support basic human needs and mental health programs for low-income youth and adults in Lindsay Heights, and to improve facilities |
2019 |
Data You Can Use |
$200,000 |
To support the delivery of data technical assistance and training to nonprofits and funders working in ZNI and other neighborhoods |
2019 |
Fondy Food Center |
$80,000 |
To improve healthy, local food access and support local entrepreneurs and small family farmers at the Fondy Farmers Market in Lindsay Heights |
2019 |
Forward Community Investments |
$50,000 |
To support lending, technical assistance, and grantsmaking activities in Milwaukee and ZNI neighborhoods |
2019 |
Forward Community Investments |
$10,000 |
For the purchase of a catering van for Tandem Restaurant in Lindsay Heights |
2019 |
Greater Milwaukee Committee |
$5,760 |
To support participation in the Greater Milwaukee Committee |
2019 |
Greater Milwaukee Committee for NEWaukee Co:Lab |
$40,000 |
To support the Co:Lab project in the Clarke Square and Lindsay Heights neighborhoods |
2019 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation |
$10,000 |
To support Milwaukee's Anti-Displacement Fund |
2019 |
Guest House of Milwaukee |
$150,000 |
To support housing, shelter, education, and services to aid clients and community members in living independently and recovering from mental illness and addiction |
2019 |
Hawaii Alliance for Arts in Education |
$20,000 |
To support the Turnaround Arts program in two Hawaii public schools |
2019 |
Historic Milwaukee |
$7,500 |
To support 2019 Doors Open Milwaukee |
2019 |
Ho`ola Na Pua |
$200,000 |
To provide capital support for the construction of Pearl Haven, a 20,000 square foot residential therapeutic campus for female sex trafficking victims |
2019 |
Ho`ola Na Pua |
$100,000 |
To provide support for sex trafficking prevention, treatment, and reintegration programs |
2019 |
Hope House |
$2,500 |
To support the emergency repair of a bathroom floor |
2019 |
Housing Resources, Inc. |
$150,000 |
To support homebuyer education and counseling services to low- and moderate-income homebuyers in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2019 |
Institute for Human Services |
$150,000 |
To support housing solutions for those in crisis and nurture homeless people toward greater self-direction and responsibility |
2019 |
Journey House |
$425,000 |
To support Journey House's youth and family programs in Clarke Square |
2019 |
Journey House |
$75,000 |
To support the operation of Journey House's financial opportunity center |
2019 |
Kualoa-He'eia Ecumenical Youth (KEY) Project |
$500 |
For professional development support |
2019 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$960,000 |
To continue to serve as the lead agency in the Silver City, Burnham Park, Layton Park neighborhoods, and to coordinate the implementation of community economic development and housing action plans |
2019 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$400,000 |
To support economic development, family wealth building, housing and public safety programs, and technical assistance in ZNI and other low- to moderate-income Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2019 |
Literacy Services of Wisconsin |
$40,000 |
To support basic literacy education and workforce readiness skills development for adults in Milwaukee and ZNI neighborhoods |
2019 |
Make-A-Wish Hawaii |
$100,000 |
To support wish granting for children diagnosed with a critical illness |
2019 |
Mental Health America - Hawaii |
$60,000 |
To promote mental wellness and programs that address youth suicide and bullying |
2019 |
Meta House |
$100,000 |
To support intensive residential treatment for women struggling with drug and alcohol addiction |
2019 |
Metro Milwaukee Mediation Services |
$40,000 |
To support housing mediation services to prevent evictions and foreclosures |
2019 |
Milwaukee Center for Independence |
$150,000 |
To support the Level-Up Program, a food service training program located at the Innovations and Wellness Commons for individuals facing employment barriers |
2019 |
Milwaukee Christian Center |
$5,000 |
To support staff professional development |
2019 |
Milwaukee Community Business Collaborative |
$75,000 |
To support the operation of its Financial Opportunity Center, job training, and small business development programs for residents of Lindsay Heights and surrounding neighborhoods |
2019 |
Milwaukee Film |
$7,500 |
To support the 2019 Milwaukee Film Festival and Minority Health Film Festival |
2019 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$300,000 |
To support Neu-Life's youth development programs in the Lindsay Heights neighborhood |
2019 |
North Avenue / Fond du Lac Marketplace BID 32 |
$50,000 |
To support efforts to engage local businesses and property owners and improve the North Avenue and Fond du Lac Avenue commercial corridors in Lindsay Heights |
2019 |
PEARLS for Teen Girls |
$300,000 |
To support mentoring and leadership development programs for predominantly low-income, high-needs girls ages 10 to 19 |
2019 |
Penfield Children's Center |
$500,000 |
To support mental health services for children with emotional or behavioral challenges |
2019 |
Playworks |
$75,000 |
To support safe, healthy, and inclusive play and physical activity programs for children and youth |
2019 |
Project Vision Hawaii |
$75,000 |
To support programs that promote health, happiness, and dignity for all in Hawaii |
2019 |
Residential Youth Services and Empowerment (RYSE) |
$50,000 |
To provide shelter, medical care, meals, and educational rehabilitation to homeless youth on Oahu |
2019 |
Revitalize Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support the home improvement matching grant program in Clarke Square |
2019 |
Revitalize Milwaukee |
$600,000 |
To support the home improvement matching program in Clarke Square; and to provide free home repairs for low-income homeowners in ZNI neighborhoods |
2019 |
River Revitalization Foundation |
$5,000 |
In honor of RRF's 25th anniversary |
2019 |
RiverEdge Nature Center |
$25,000 |
To support nature-based educational programs for Milwaukee youth |
2019 |
Riverworks Development Corporation |
$50,000 |
To support the operation of the Financial Opportunity Center |
2019 |
Ronald Reagan IB High School |
$25,000 |
To support the Vera J. Zilber Music Department |
2019 |
Running Rebels Community Organization |
$300,000 |
To support programs for at-risk youth and young adults |
2019 |
Safe & Sound |
$150,000 |
To support community organizing and youth engagement programs that improve the quality of life in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods/div> |
2019 |
Southside Organizing Center |
$50,000 |
To support nonpartisan, bilingual resident outreach, education, and organizing on Milwaukee's southside; and participate in housing and economic development action planning in Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2019 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee (UNCOM) |
$50,000 |
To support programs and operations |
2019 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$9,500 |
To support an organization assessment |
2019 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$10,000 |
To cultivate neighbors' skills to engage residents, grow emerging business opportunities, and stimulate economic activity within Lindsay Heights through Community Wealth Building efforts |
2019 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$310,000 |
To continue to serve as the lead agency in Lindsay Heights and coordinate community economic development and housing action planning for the neighborhood |
2019 |
Wisconsin Philanthropy Network |
$10,000 |
For general operating support |
2019 |
Wisconsin Preservation Fund |
$2,500 |
To support the creation and dissemination of a case study: Milwaukee INVESTS: A Model for Inclusive Development |
2019 |
Wisconsin Voices |
$50,000 |
To support a Get Out the Count campaign in Milwaukee to help ensure a fair and accurate count for Census 2020 |
2019 |
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) |
$100,000 |
To support small business education and development activities in ZNI neighborhoods |
2019 |
Young Women's Christian Association of Oahu (YWCA) |
$100,000 |
To support job readiness and career development programs for women |
2018 |
21/64 |
$5,000 |
To support the facilitation of workshops on multi-generational engagement in philanthropy in Honolulu |
2018 |
ArtWorks for Milwaukee |
$25,000 |
To support arts programs and internships for Milwaukee high school students |
2018 |
CORE El/Centro |
$100,000 |
To support integrated natural health therapies and movement services for low-income individuals and families |
2018 |
Danceworks |
$2,000 |
To support the Mad Hot Ballroom and Tap at Cross Trainers Academy |
2018 |
EPIC Center Community Organization |
$30,000 |
To support educational, recreational, and social afterschool programs for youth from the Layton Boulevard West and Clarke Square neighborhoods |
2018 |
First Stage |
$100,000 |
To support First Stage programs in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2018 |
Greater Milwaukee Committee |
$10,000 |
To support the MKE Fellows program |
2018 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation |
$10,000 |
To support Neighborhood Leadership Institute alumni at the PolicyLink Equity Summit |
2018 |
Guest House of Milwaukee |
$5,000 |
To support a workshop |
2018 |
Hawaii Alliance for Arts in Education |
$20,000 |
To support the Turnaround Arts Program |
2018 |
Hawaii Community Foundation |
$100,000 |
To support community programs and projects in Hawaii |
2018 |
Historic Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support the 2018 Doors Open Milwaukee program in ZNI and other neighborhoods |
2018 |
International Association for Human Values |
$100,000 |
To support SKY Schools in Milwaukee |
2018 |
Jacobs Center |
$100,000 |
In honor of the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation board and staff |
2018 |
Journey House |
$100,000 |
To support the operation of Journey House's financial opportunity center |
2018 |
Journey House |
$250,000 |
To provide education, employment, and youth and family programs on Milwaukee's near south side |
2018 |
Kualoa-He'eia Ecumenical Youth (KEY) Project |
$50,000 |
To support the 50th Anniversary Collective Sustainability Initiative |
2018 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$75,000 |
To support the implementation of a housing strategy in the Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2018 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$200,000 |
To support economic development, family wealth building, housing and public safety programs, and the delivery of technical assistance to community development organizations in ZNI and other neighborhoods |
2018 |
Make-A-Wish Hawaii |
$100,000 |
To support the use of technology and brand awareness to strengthen organizational capacity |
2018 |
Marquette University |
$30,900 |
To support a Trinity Fellow internship at the Zilber Family Foundation |
2018 |
Marquette University for Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service |
$100,000 |
To support the Neighborhood News Service |
2018 |
Martin Luther King Economic Development Corporation |
$2,500 |
To support the creation and installation of a statue of community leader Welford Sanders |
2018 |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
$25,000 |
To support a project to reduce opiate abuse and lethality |
2018 |
Mental Health America - Hawaii |
$60,000 |
To support the Youth Suicide Prevention Program |
2018 |
Mikva Challenge |
$10,000 |
To support the Action Civics program in Milwaukee |
2018 |
Milwaukee Film |
$10,000 |
To support the 2018 Milwaukee Film Festival |
2018 |
Milwaukee Public Library |
$10,000 |
To support Sam Quinones' visit to Milwaukee to speak about the opioid epidemic |
2018 |
MPS Foundation |
$10,000 |
For general operating support |
2018 |
Park People of Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support a part-time community organizer to plan, promote, and facilitate programming in Johnsons Park |
2018 |
Playworks Wisconsin |
$100,000 |
To support safe, healthy, and inclusive play and physical activity programs for children attending schools in ZNI neighborhoods |
2018 |
Project Vision Hawaii |
$75,000 |
To support the Hie Hie Hospitality Project, a mobile hygiene center that serves the homeless |
2018 |
Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support community engagement to inform the City's Fond du Lac and North Avenue area plan |
2018 |
Revitalize Milwaukee |
$50,000 |
To support the implementation of the home improvement matching grant program in Clarke Square |
2018 |
RiverEdge Nature Center |
$10,000 |
To support general operations |
2018 |
Riverworks Development Corporation |
$100,000 |
To support the operation of the Financial Opportunity Center |
2018 |
Southside Organizing Center |
$50,000 |
To support bilingual resident outreach, education, and organizing on Milwaukee's southside |
2018 |
Still Waters Collective |
$10,000 |
To support the creation of a video about neighborhoods/div> |
2018 |
The Table |
$45,000 |
To support a green infrastructure project in Alice's Garden |
2018 |
TRUE Skool |
$50,000 |
To support urban arts, leadership development, and workforce development programs for youth |
2018 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee (UNCOM) |
$150,000 |
To serve as an operating partner of the Zilber Neighborhood Initiative and strengthen the lives of Milwaukee families |
2018 |
United Performing Arts Fund |
$62,154 |
To match employee contributions to support performing arts organizations in Milwaukee |
2018 |
United Performing Arts Fund |
$169,556 |
To match employee contributions to support performing arts organizations in Milwaukee |
2018 |
United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County |
$45,000 |
To support Longfellow Elementary School's participation in the Milwaukee Community Schools Partnership |
2018 |
United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County |
$50,000 |
To support the My Very Own Library program in schools in ZNI neighborhoods |
2018 |
USO Wisconsin |
$5,000 |
To support USO Wisconsin programs and services |
2018 |
UWM Foundation for the Zilber School of Public Health |
$2,500,000 |
To support the Vera Zilber Public Health Scholars Fund at the UWM Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health |
2018 |
Victory Garden Initiative |
$10,000 |
To support the 2018 Victory Garden Blitz in the ZNI neighborhoods |
2018 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$5,100 |
To support a nonprofit leader to participate in the Leadership Advanced training for senior nonprofit executives |
2018 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$310,000 |
To serve as a lead agency in Lindsay Heights and an operating partner for the Zilber Neighborhood Initiative |
2018 |
Wisconsin Philanthropy Network |
$75,000 |
To support the Wisconsin Leadership Development Project to recruit and train grassroots leaders in Milwaukee |
2018 |
Wisconsin Philanthropy Network |
$5,000 |
To support programs and activities that advance effective philanthropy across the state of Wisconsin |
2018 |
Wisconsin Voices |
$7,500 |
To support nonpartisan voter outreach efforts |
2018 |
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) |
$75,000 |
To support economic development programs in the Clarke Square,Layton Boulevard West, and Lindsay Heights neighborhoods |
2017 |
Artists Working in Education, Inc. |
$115,000 |
To support arts education programs for youth in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2017 |
Betty Brinn Children's Museum |
$50,000 |
To support programs for low-income parents and children from ZNI and other underserved neighborhoods |
2017 |
Ceeds of Peace |
$246,000 |
To support a peace-building program in Hawaii |
2017 |
City of Milwaukee - Office of the Mayor |
$50,000 |
To support Earn & Learn, Milwaukee's summer youth employment program |
2017 |
Columbia St. Mary's Foundation |
$25,000 |
To support free dental care for youth attending schools in Lindsay Heights and other neighborhoods |
2017 |
Data You Can Use |
$200,000 |
To provide data technical assistance, training, and education to grantees and their partners working in ZNI and other neighborhoods |
2017 |
Discovery World |
$300,000 |
To provide science, technology, engineering, and math programming to families and children living or attending schools in ZNI neighborhoods |
2017 |
EPIC Center Community Organization |
$40,000 |
To support afterschool and summer programs for youth in the Layton Boulevard West and Clarke Square neighborhoods |
2017 |
Fellowship Open |
$10,000 |
In honor of John Daniels, Jr. |
2017 |
Fondy Food Center |
$40,000 |
To create the Fondy Park in Lindsay Heights |
2017 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation (DYCU) |
$10,000 |
To support Milwaukee's participation in the Turning the Corner research project |
2017 |
Historic Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support the 2017 Doors Open Milwaukee program in ZNI and other neighborhoods |
2017 |
Housing Resources, Inc. |
$150,000 |
To provide housing counseling, financial resources, and foreclosure prevention services in ZNI neighborhoods |
2017 |
International Association for Human Values |
$10,000 |
To conduct Prison S.M.A.R.T. courses with inmates at the Milwaukee County House of Corrections |
2017 |
Kualoa-He'eia Ecumenical Youth (KEY) Project |
$150,000 |
To support community service programs and operations |
2017 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$200,000 |
To support public safety, economic development, and family wealth building programs, and the delivery of technical assistance to community development organizations in ZNI and other neighborhoods |
2017 |
Marquette University |
$125,000 |
To match Marquette University's contribution to the Neighborhood News Service |
2017 |
Milwaukee Community Business Collaborative |
$100,000 |
To support business development, job readiness, and employment programs in ZNI and other low-income neighborhoods |
2017 |
Penfield Children's Center |
$250,000 |
To support school- and home-based mental health treatment for low-income children with significant behavior problems |
2017 |
Playworks Wisconsin |
$8,500 |
To match Rotary and United Way support for Playworks in Lindsay Heights schools |
2017 |
RiverEdge Nature Center |
$10,000 |
To support general operations |
2017 |
Safe & Sound |
$5,000 |
To support printing and distribution of Safe & Sound's evaluation |
2017 |
Safe & Sound |
$250,000 |
To implement a safety and engagement strategy to create safe and healthy communities in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2017 |
Smithsonian Institute |
$25,000 |
To support a biodiversity assessment at Coconut Island on Oahu in Kaneohe Bay |
2017 |
Surfrider Spirit Sessions |
$10,000 |
For general operations |
2017 |
Teach for America - Milwaukee |
$25,000 |
To support recruitment and training of local educators to teach in ZNI and other underserved neighborhood schools |
2017 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee (UNCOM) |
$5,100 |
To support Tony Shield's involvement in Leadership Advanced |
2017 |
Victory Garden Initiative |
$10,000 |
To support Victory Garden Blitz activities in ZNI neighborhoods |
2017 |
Wisconsin Voices |
$10,000 |
To support nonpartisan voter education and engagement activities |
2017 |
Wisconsin Voices |
$100,000 |
To continue to support nonpartisan voter engagement activities |
2017 |
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) |
$87,500 |
To outreach and business development services to existing and aspiring entrepreneurs in ZNI neighborhoods |
2016 |
Artists Working in Education, Inc. |
$50,000 |
To provide arts education to youth in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods and to purchase a van |
2016 |
ArtWorks for Education |
$50,000 |
To support arts programs and internships for Milwaukee high school students |
2016 |
Augustine Educational Foundation |
$150,000 |
To support the PWH Scholars Program |
2016 |
Benedict Center |
$225,000 |
To support the Benedict Center's Sisters Program in Milwaukee |
2016 |
Betty Brinn Children's Museum, Inc. |
$50,000 |
To support programs for low-income parents and children from ZNI and other underserved neighborhoods |
2016 |
Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha |
$5,000 |
In honor of John Kersey |
2016 |
California Homebuilding Foundation |
$25,000 |
To support the Building Industry Technology Academy program in California high schools |
2016 |
Capuchin Community Services - Province of St. Joseph |
$250,000 |
To provide a 1:1 cash match for donations to support capital expenses to expand St. Ben's Community Meal and Clinic programs to the St. Anthony's housing development in Milwaukee |
2016 |
Cardinal Stritch |
$1,000 |
To support the African American Leadership Program |
2016 |
Cardinal Stritch University |
$50,000 |
To support the development of a comprehensive plan to expand and strengthen African American leadership in Milwaukee; funds may not be used for administrative expenses |
2016 |
Cathedral Center |
$150,000 |
To provide emergency shelter and case management services to women and children |
2016 |
City of Milwaukee Environmental Collaboration Office |
$100,000 |
To support commercial corridor streetscaping and beautification projects in Lindsay Heights |
2016 |
COA Youth & Family Centers |
$238,500 |
To expand the Home Instruction for Parents for Pre-school Youngsters early literacy and parents-as-educators program to the Lindsay Heights and Clarke Square/Muskego Way neighborhoods |
2016 |
Community Advocates |
$150,000 |
To support mental health, housing, and advocacy services to address homelessness and meet other basic human needs |
2016 |
Congregation Beth Israel |
$10,000 |
In honor of Jerry Stein |
2016 |
CORE El/Centro |
$200,000 |
To support integrated natural health therapies and movement services for low-income individuals and families in Clarke Square and other south side neighborhoods; and to plan for expansion to Lindsay Heights |
2016 |
Cross Lutheran Church |
$300,000 |
To support basic human needs programs for low-income youth and adults in Lindsay Heights |
2016 |
Dominican Center for Women |
$150,000 |
To support the Building Neighborhood Capacity Program in Amani and Metcalfe Park |
2016 |
EPIC Center Community Organization |
$40,000 |
To support afterschool and summer programs for youth in the Layton Boulevard West and Clarke Square neighborhoods |
2016 |
Faith Builders |
$2,000 |
To support Christmas in Milwaukee to deliver gifts to Clarke Square residents |
2016 |
Feeding America of Eastern Wisconsin |
$50,000 |
To increase access to healthy foods for low-income households in the Lindsay Heights neighborhood |
2016 |
Fellowship Open |
$10,000 |
To support MKE Fellows in honor of John Daniels |
2016 |
First Stage, Inc. |
$200,000 |
To expand First Stage programs to schools in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhood |
2016 |
Fondy Food Center |
$100,000 |
To improve access to healthy, local food by Milwaukeeans |
2016 |
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center |
$1,000,000 |
To support research on Acute Myeloid Leukemia treatments and provide financial aid to patients who need assistance with daily, non-medical expenses |
2016 |
Gathering of Southeastern Wisconsin |
$30,000 |
To support meal programs at four locations in Milwaukee |
2016 |
Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin |
$320,000 |
To pilot a new program to provide employment, training, and financial education to individuals served by the Sojourner Family Peace Center |
2016 |
Greater Milwaukee Committee |
$5,000 |
To support participation in the Greater Milwaukee Committee's economic development projects |
2016 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation |
$132,000 |
To support the Wisconsin Reading Corps literacy intervention program at three schools in Lindsay Heights |
2016 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation |
$10,000 |
To support the 2016 Earn & Learn Program |
2016 |
Guest House of Milwaukee |
$225,000 |
To support emergency shelter operations and social service delivery to homeless men; and capital support for the completion of the Guest House expansion |
2016 |
Harbor District, Inc. |
$10,000 |
To support the Partners for Places Harbor District project |
2016 |
Hawaii Alliance for Arts in Education |
$40,000 |
To support the Turnaround Arts program in three Hawaii elementary schools |
2016 |
Historic Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support the 2016 Spaces and Traces and Doors Open programs in ZNI neighborhoods |
2016 |
Ho`ola Na Pua |
$13,200 |
To support community outreach and education efforts to identify and assist child victims of commercial sexual exploitation in Hawaii |
2016 |
Hope House |
$2,500 |
To help cover the costs incurred from fire damage to Hope House |
2016 |
Housing Resources, Inc. |
$75,000 |
To provide housing counseling services to low- and moderate-income families in ZNI neighborhoods |
2016 |
Institute for Human Services |
$150,000 |
To support programs for homeless or at-risk individuals in Hawaii |
2016 |
International Association for Human Values |
$75,000 |
To support the implementation of the YES! for Schools program in Milwaukee |
2016 |
Journey House, Inc. |
$200,000 |
To support the operation of Journey House's Financial Opportunity Center |
2016 |
Journey House, Inc. |
$208,331 |
To support capital improvements to the Journey House Packers Football Stadium in Mitchell Park; and to establish an urban gardening and healthy living program in Clarke Square |
2016 |
Journey House, Inc. |
$6,000 |
To support the AmeriCorps position for the Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative |
2016 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$45,650 |
To match city funds to build a raised intersection at 37th and Pierce Streets and develop and install neighborhood signage |
2016 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$432,060 |
To support LBWN's housing initiatives in the Silver City, Layton Park, and Burnham Park neighborhoods |
2016 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$214,000 |
To support the purchase and rehab 3514 W. National Avenue |
2016 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$55,000 |
To provide matching grants for home improvement projects in Clarke Square and the Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2016 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$4,800 |
To support the involvement of LBWN's executive director, Will Sebern, in Leadership Advanced |
2016 |
Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin & Upper Michigan |
$10,000 |
To match contributions to the Urban Threads program |
2016 |
Marquette University |
$30,900 |
To support a Trinity Fellow internship at the Zilber Family Foundation |
2016 |
MATC Foundation |
$10,000 |
To support the 2016 Certified Nursing Assistant program |
2016 |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
$50,000 |
To produce a report and a set of recommendations to prevent opioid abuse in Milwaukee County |
2016 |
Medical Society of Milwaukee |
$3,500 |
To support Patrick Kennedy's project to curb opiate abuse |
2016 |
Mental Health America of Hawaii |
$102,750 |
To promote youth suicide and bullying prevention curriculum development program delivery |
2016 |
Milwaukee Center for Independence |
$200,000 |
To support the Level-Up Program to provide on-the-job culinary arts training and certification to individuals in Lindsay Heights |
2016 |
Milwaukee Christian Center |
$50,000 |
To support leadership development and staff capacity in the areas of program development, fund development, and collaboration |
2016 |
Milwaukee Christian Center |
$3,000 |
To support the Green Space Project of the Building Neighborhood Capacity Program |
2016 |
Milwaukee Film |
$10,000 |
To support the 2016 Milwaukee Film Festival |
2016 |
Milwaukee Inner-city Congregations Allied in Hope (MICAH) |
$40,000 |
To support MICAH's 53206 Holy Ground Youth and Young Adult Organizing Initiative in and around Lindsay Heights |
2016 |
Milwaukee JobsWork |
$50,000 |
To support business development, job readiness, and employment programs in ZNI and other low-income neighborhoods |
2016 |
Milwaukee Public Schools Foundation |
$75,000 |
To support the Turnaround Arts school improvement programs at four Milwaukee public schools |
2016 |
Milwaukee Rescue Mission |
$2,000 |
To support the Mad Hot Ballroom program at Cross Trainers Academy |
2016 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$300,000 |
To support afterschool and summer programs for youth in the Lindsay Heights neighborhood and for the purchase of a passenger van |
2016 |
Nia Imani Family |
$30,000 |
To support transitional housing and the delivery of health and social services for mothers and their young children |
2016 |
PEARLS for Teen Girls |
$300,000 |
To support leadership development programs for girls ages 10 to 19 in Milwaukee |
2016 |
Penfield Children's Center |
$500,000 |
To support the Penfield Montessori Academy capital campaign |
2016 |
Playworks Wisconsin |
$200,000 |
To provide safe, healthy, and inclusive play and physical activity programs at schools in ZNI neighborhoods |
2016 |
Public Policy Forum |
$2,500 |
To support the 2016 Nonprofit Survey & and Report |
2016 |
Public Policy Forum |
$1,600 |
To support the Developing a Vision for Arts and Culture in Greater Milwaukee project |
2016 |
Pu'u Kukui Elementary School |
$15,000 |
To support the capital campaign to design and equip a playground for the school's 700 students |
2016 |
Rebuilding Together of Greater Milwaukee |
$470,000 |
To provide free home repairs for senior citizens, disabled individuals, and veterans, and to visibly improve conditions in the Lindsay Heights, Clarke Square, and the Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2016 |
Revitalize Milwaukee |
$94,000 |
To support a partnership with the Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative to implement a home improvement strategy and manage matching grants |
2016 |
RiverEdge Nature Center |
$10,000 |
To support general operations |
2016 |
Riverworks Development Corporation |
$200,000 |
To support the operation of the Financial Opportunity Center and the renovation of office space and program space |
2016 |
Running Rebels Community Organization |
$10,000 |
To support a real estate assessment |
2016 |
Running Rebels Community Organization |
$1,000,000 |
To support the Running Rebels Community Organization capital campaign |
2016 |
Safe & Sound |
$3,000 |
To provide facilitator training |
2016 |
Serenity Inns |
$5,000 |
To support Serenity Inns' inpatient residential recovery program |
2016 |
Sojourner Family Peace Center |
$300,000 |
To support efforts to monitor the delivery of integrated services, evaluate performance and effectiveness, and organize and deliver education programs |
2016 |
Sojourner Family Peace Center |
$2,269 |
To support the program associated with Patrick Sharkey's visit to Milwaukee |
2016 |
Southside Organizing Committee |
$50,000 |
To support resident leadership development, community organizing, and voter education activities on Milwaukee's southside |
2016 |
St. Marcus Schools |
$400,000 |
Capital support for the expansion of St. Marcus School to its North Campus |
2016 |
TRUE Skool |
$50,000 |
To support urban arts, leadership development, and workforce development activities for youth |
2016 |
United Community Center |
$500,000 |
To support the construction of a new 16-bed residential substance abuse treatment facility for women |
2016 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee (UNCOM) |
$200,000 |
To support UNCOM to continue as an operating partner of the Zilber Neighborhood Initiative |
2016 |
United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County |
$70,100 |
To support the expansion of the My Very Own Library literacy program to four schools in ZNI neighborhoods |
2016 |
United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) |
$55,395 |
To support the performing arts sector in Milwaukee |
2016 |
Urban Ecology Center |
$150,000 |
To expand the Neighborhood Environment Education Project from 11 to 22 schools in the Layton Boulevard West and Clarke Square neighborhoods |
2016 |
Urban Ecology Center |
$104,000 |
To support a market assessment, feasibility study, and organizational development plan for senior leadership |
2016 |
USO Wisconsin |
$5,000 |
To support USO Wisconsin in assisting local military families |
2016 |
Victory Garden Initiative |
$10,000 |
To support the installation of 50 gardens for residents in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods during the 8th Annual Victory Garden Blitz |
2016 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$50,000 |
To support staff and board development and technology updates |
2016 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$750,000 |
To support the construction of Phase II of the Innovations and Wellness Commons in Lindsay Heights |
2016 |
Wisconsin Philanthropy Network |
$5,000 |
To support the 2016 Wisconsin Gives report |
2016 |
Wisconsin Philanthropy Network |
$165,000 |
To support the Wisconsin Leadership Development project to recruit and train grassroots leaders in Milwaukee |
2016 |
Wisconsin Preservation Fund |
$50,00 |
To support the purchase and rehab of the Wally Schmidt building in Lindsay Heights |
2016 |
Wisconsin Voices |
$50,000 |
To support general operations |
2016 |
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) |
$65,000 |
To provide renewed support for outreach and business development services to existing and aspiring entrepreneurs in Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West |
2016 |
Women's Fund Hawaii |
$5,000 |
To support general operations |
2016 |
Word of Hope Ministries |
$135,000 |
To support Word of Hope's substance abuse treatment program |
2016 |
YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee |
$500,000 |
To support programs and operations at the Northside YMCA in Lindsay Heights |
2015 |
Acts Housing |
$200,000 |
To provide affordable homeownership opportunities to low-income families in ZNI and other neighborhoods |
2015 |
After-School All-Stars Hawaii |
$3,000 |
To support youth development services |
2015 |
Andre Lee Ellis |
$5,000 |
To support performing arts activities for youth |
2015 |
Artists Working in Education, Inc. |
$50,000 |
To operate arts programs in parks and schools and provide art enrichment activities to youth in ZNI neighborhoods |
2015 |
ArtWorks Milwaukee |
$8,000 |
To support paid internships for high school students to work with a professional artist to design, create, and install a work of public art in Burnham Park |
2015 |
Aurora Zilber Family Hospice |
$250,000 |
To expand hospice and bereavement training for employees and volunteers who provide palliative and hospice care |
2015 |
Community Warehouse |
$150,000 |
To support Community Warehouse and its Milwaukee Working programs |
2015 |
Cross Lutheran Church |
$50,000 |
To support basic human needs programs, including the Bread of Healing Clinic and its services for uninsured patients |
2015 |
Discovery World |
$300,000 |
To deliver educational programs to children attending ZNI schools; offer free admission to the museum of science and technology for families in ZNI neighborhoods; and provide mobile lab activities at neighborhood-based events |
2015 |
EPIC Center Community Organization |
$25,000 |
To support afterschool and summer programs for youth on Milwaukee's near southside |
2015 |
Faith Builders |
$2,000 |
To support the 5th Annual Faith Builders Christmas in Milwaukee toy drive |
2015 |
Friends of the Domes |
$2,400 |
To support the Working Sketches Project in a public school in Clarke Square |
2015 |
Friendship Circle |
$10,000 |
To match dollar-for-dollar contributions made to the Friendship Circle of Wisconsin |
2015 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation |
$3,375 |
To partially cover the cost of six participants at the Grassroots Grantmakers On the Ground conference in Cleveland in September 2014 |
2015 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation |
$10,000 |
To support the Partners for Places project to create pocket parks and orchards on city-owned vacant lots in Milwaukee's north side neighborhoods |
2015 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation |
$10,000 |
To support the Mayor's 2015 Earn & Learn Program to provide summer employment opportunities for up to 3,000 young people |
2015 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation |
$40,000 |
To support the Community Connections Small Grants Program |
2015 |
Guest House of Milwaukee |
$25,000 |
To support the Guest House capital campaign |
2015 |
Hawaii Arts Alliance |
$20,000 |
To help establish the Hawai'i Turnaround Arts program in three elementary schools |
2015 |
Heartland Housing |
$250,000 |
To provide capital support, pending committed financing, for the development of the St. Anthony's housing project in Milwaukee |
2015 |
Historic Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support the 2015 Spaces and Traces and Doors Open programs in ZNI neighborhoods |
2015 |
IMPACT Planning Council |
$10,000 |
To support data development and technical assistance services for neighborhood-based nonprofits and other community development organizations in Milwaukee |
2015 |
International Association for Human Values |
$3,000 |
To support YES! youth leadership development programs at Journey House during the summer of 2015 |
2015 |
International Association for Human Values |
$75,000 |
To support YES! programs at Journey House, Milwaukee Public Schools, and other youth-serving agencies in Milwaukee |
2015 |
Journey House, Inc. |
$40,000 |
To serve as fiscal sponsor for the Farm Project, which uses arts and cultural activities to "seed" economic development in Clarke Square; funds will be used to support a part-time project director, complete the stature of Cesar Chavez, and plan and carry out economic development events |
2015 |
Journey House, Inc. |
$750,000 |
To support education, employment, and youth and family programs on Milwaukee's near south side |
2015 |
Journey House, Inc. |
$425,000 |
To serve as the fiscal agent for the Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative; CSNI is the lead agency and operating partner for the Zilber Neighborhood Initiative in Clarke Square |
2015 |
Make A Wish - Hawaii |
$10,000 |
To support Make A Wish - Hawaii in honor of Shane Jackson |
2015 |
Make A Wish - Hawaii |
$300,000 |
To match, dollar-for-dollar, up to $300,000 in contributions from first-time donors and increased contributions from existing donors to support the fulfillment of wishes that originate with the Hawaii program |
2015 |
Manatee Community Foundation |
$25,000 |
To support Manatee Community Foundation's capital campaign to renovate and expand its offices |
2015 |
Milwaukee Inner-city Congregations Allied in Hope (MICAH) |
$40,000 |
To support MICAH's 53206 Holy Ground Youth and Young Adult Organizing Initiative |
2015 |
MKE Plays |
$300,000 |
To support MKE Plays with a 2:1 match for public funds for capital expenses to improve three playgrounds in ZNI neighborhoods, and support project management, community planning, and evaluation |
2015 |
Neighborhood Children's Sports League |
$10,000 |
To help replace stolen football equipment and a trailer used by children's sports league |
2015 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$150,000 |
To complete Neu-Life's $600,000 capital campaign for facility improvements, including ADA accessible entrances, updated mechanicals, new restroom facilities, and more suitable program space |
2015 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$10,000 |
To support the Neu-Life summer program at Gwen T. Jackson School in Lindsay Heights |
2015 |
PEARLS for Teen Girls |
$75,000 |
To provide general operating support for programs for girls and young women in Milwaukee and ZNI neighborhoods |
2015 |
Penfield Children's Center |
$250,000 |
To support the Behavior Clinic and provide home-based mental health treatment for low-income children with significant behavior problems |
2015 |
Public Policy Forum |
$4,500 |
To support research on trends in public funding and produce Community Development: Recent Trends and Implications, and a report of the findings |
2015 |
Radio Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support the Community Stories program |
2015 |
Running Rebels Community Organization |
$200,000 |
To provide general operating support for programs for high-needs youth and young adults |
2015 |
Safe & Sound |
$150,000 |
To implement a public safety and community engagement strategy in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2015 |
Schools Than Can Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support the organization's efforts to improve school quality and help close Milwaukee's achievement gap |
2015 |
Select Milwaukee |
$140,000 |
To deliver financial counseling, homeownership, and home preservation programs in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2015 |
Serenity Inns |
$5,000 |
To support Serenity Inns' drug and alcohol recovery and transitional living program |
2015 |
Sixteenth Street |
$100,000 |
To support Sixteenth Street's efforts to expand community engagement activities and environmental health programs on Milwaukee's south side |
2015 |
Sojourner Family Peace Center |
$113,000 |
To provide a 1:1 match to challenge grant from David Uihlein and help complete the Center's $26.5 million capital campaign |
2015 |
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support a home-visiting program that provides emergency assistance to individuals experiencing extreme hardship |
2015 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee (UNCOM) |
$300,000 |
To raise funds for and support social service agencies that assist children and families in Milwaukee's low-income neighborhoods |
2015 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee (UNCOM) |
$150,000 |
To support the Neighborhood News Service, an online source of information about issues of importance to people who live and work in Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2015 |
United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) |
$48,267 |
To match employee contributions to support performing arts organizations in Milwaukee |
2015 |
Victory Garden Initiative |
$6,000 |
To install 20 raised bed gardens in Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West, and provide garden mentors for homeowners learning how to garden |
2015 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$7,000 |
To support the Growing Youth Leadership Program, a 20-week employment program that offers urban agriculture education, leadership development, and job training for 8 to 10 teens in Lindsay Heights |
2015 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$10,000 |
To support the Lindsay Heights charrette and the development of schematic renderings for the reuse of six commercial sites along North Avenue and Fond du Lac Avenue |
2015 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$900,000 |
To serve as the lead agency for the Zilber Neighborhood Initiative in Lindsay Heights, coordinate local efforts to improve community conditions, and develop and pilot new programs |
2015 |
Wild Space Dance Company |
$4,000 |
To support outreach to students at El Puente High School and Longfellow Elementary School, conduct field trips to Three Bridges Park, and hold summer sessions in 2015 |
2015 |
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) |
$65,000 |
To provide outreach and business development services to existing and aspiring entrepreneurs in Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West |
2015 |
Word of Hope Ministries |
$60,000 |
To support a full-time clinical substance abuse counselor to conduct AODA counseling sessions and group meetings, and cover a portion of program expenses |
2014 |
America SCORES Milwaukee |
$2,840 |
To support America SCORES poetry and play programs at four schools in Lindsay Heights |
2014 |
Artists Working in Education, Inc. |
$10,000 |
For five weeks of arts activities for youth in Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West |
2014 |
ArtWorks for Milwaukee |
$8,000 |
To support high school interns to work with a professional artist to create and install a mural in Silver City |
2014 |
Aurora Health Care Foundation |
$75,000 |
To support the Aurora Visiting Nurse Association Zilber Family Hospice's 10-year anniversary |
2014 |
Business Improvement District #32 |
$40,000 |
To hire a business development coordinator and support the ongoing operation of the BID to create a viable and sustainable commercial corridor in the Lindsay Heights neighborhood. |
2014 |
Castle Medical Center |
$300,000 |
To support the construction of two additional patient care rooms in the Vera Zilber Birth Center |
2014 |
Center for Resilient Cities |
$250,000 |
To provide support for the renovation of Johnsons Park in Lindsay Heights |
2014 |
Children's Hospital |
$300,000 |
To provide capital support for the Selig Child Advocacy Center at the Sojourner Family Peace Center |
2014 |
City of Milwaukee |
$11,045 |
To support the Heroin Summit |
2014 |
Dominican Center for Women |
$10,000 |
To support the placement of a Marquette University Trinity Fellow |
2014 |
Dominican Center for Women |
$100 |
To support two community leaders' participation in the Healthy Communities Milwaukee Summit |
2014 |
Donors Forum |
$1,000 |
In partial support of the annual meeting video |
2014 |
Faith Builders |
$2,000 |
To support the 4th Annual Faith Builders Christmas in Milwaukee |
2014 |
Faith Santa Fe Lutheran Church |
$10,000 |
To match, dollar-for-dollar, a portion of contributions for the food pantry coordinator |
2014 |
Friedens Community Ministries |
$2,000 |
For shoes and socks for homeless individuals |
2014 |
Guest House of Milwaukee |
$5,000 |
To provide meals for homeless individuals |
2014 |
Guest House of Milwaukee |
$500,000 |
To support building and equipment upgrades at the shelter for homeless individuals |
2014 |
Hawaii Public Television |
$500,000 |
To support PBS Hawaii's NEW HOME Campaign |
2014 |
Hawaii State Department of Education |
$180,000 |
To support the delivery of behavioral health services to students and their families |
2014 |
Historic Mitchell Street Preservation Corp. |
$7,500 |
To support the Listening to Mitchell public art installation and draw visitors to Mitchell Street, a south side commercial corridor |
2014 |
Hmong American Peace Academy Library Campaign |
$30,000 |
To help with the acquisition of books and other materials; renovation of space; and new technology resources for the HAPA Library Campaign |
2014 |
International Association for Human Values |
$75,000 |
To support the YES! program in schools in Milwaukee and provide training to young people and educators |
2014 |
Johnsons Park Neighborhood Association |
$10,000 |
To partially fund an AmeriCorps community engagement specialist to work with residents to improve public safety and social connections Lindsay Heights |
2014 |
Journey House, Inc. |
$50,000 |
To support the revitalization of Clarke Square Park; in addition, a Friends of Clarke Square Park group will be formed to adopt the Park |
2014 |
Journey House, Inc. |
$250,000 |
To serve as the fiscal sponsor for the Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative in accordance with the memorandum of understanding between Journey House and the Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative and the related proposal and budget, and to provide office space, human resources, accounting, and information technology services |
2014 |
Joyful Heart Foundation |
$5,000 |
To support the Joyful Melee |
2014 |
Kiva Zip |
$25,000 |
To support the launch of Kiva Zip Milwaukee and attract 0% interest loans for underserved entrepreneurs in ZNI and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2014 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$2,700 |
To support the Clarke Square Most Improved Home contest |
2014 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$10,000 |
To serve as fiscal sponsor to support the Epic Center Community Organization youth soccer league |
2014 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$10,000 |
To partially fund real estate charrettes and identify economic development opportunities in Silver City and Clarke Square |
2014 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$299,000 |
To support a full-time home improvement coordinator to work in the Layton Boulevard West and Clarke Square neighborhoods, and partially underwrite the costs of home improvement with 1:1 matching grants to residents |
2014 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$875,000 |
To continue to serve as the lead agency in three neighborhoods (Burnham Park, Layton Park, and Silver City) and as an operating partner for the Zilber Neighborhood Initiative |
2014 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$200,000 |
To provide grants and loans, technical assistance, and other services in ZNI and other neighborhoods; participate as a ZNI operating partner; and strengthen the field of community development in Milwaukee |
2014 |
Lissy's Place |
$5,000 |
In honor of John Daniels Jr. and the Fellowship Open to benefit at-risk youth |
2014 |
MATC Foundation |
$6,000 |
To support the North Division/MATC Summer CNA Program |
2014 |
Meta House |
$500,000 |
To provide comprehensive treatment and social services to low-income women in recovery from substance abuse |
2014 |
Milwaukee College Prep |
$250,000 |
To support the expansion of Milwaukee College Prep to a second location in Lindsay Heights |
2014 |
Milwaukee Community Business Collaborative |
$50,000 |
To provide operating support for business development, job readiness, and employment programs in Lindsay Heights |
2014 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$100,000 |
To provide capital support for building improvements and modifications at Neu-Life's main program site in Lindsay Heights |
2014 |
Nonprofit Center of Milwaukee |
$3,665 |
To support the Burmese Immersion Project |
2014 |
North Division High School Alumni Association |
$500 |
To purchase work clothes for participants of Jobs for America's Graduates for visits to employers and colleges |
2014 |
North Division High School Alumni Association |
$1,000 |
To support North Division High School academic, volunteer, and athletic programs |
2014 |
Northcott Neighborhood House |
$5,000 |
To support a community liaison at North Division High School |
2014 |
Northcott Neighborhood House |
$5,000 |
To continue support of a community liaison at North Division High School |
2014 |
Radio Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
For general operating support |
2014 |
Rebuilding Together of Greater Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support emergency removal and rebuilding of the 2-story porch at 1628 W Lloyd Street |
2014 |
Rebuilding Together of Greater Milwaukee |
$300,000 |
To preserve affordable housing and revitalize ZNI neighborhoods by providing home repairs and accessibility modifications for senior citizens, veterans and/or persons with disabilities |
2014 |
RiverEdge Nature Center |
$10,000 |
For general operating support |
2014 |
Riverworks Development Corporation |
$10,000 |
To support the Neighborhood Ambassadors program to improve commercial corridors, economic development, and the overall appearance of ZNI neighborhoods and Milwaukee Business Improvement Districts |
2014 |
Ronald Reagan High School |
$25,000 |
To support the Vera J. Zilber Music Department student programs and activities |
2014 |
Running Rebels |
$10,000 |
To engage Vision First for capital campaign planning |
2014 |
Sojourner Family Peace Center |
$10,000 |
To serve as fiscal agent for work to develop a business plan for the Center of Community Health and Safety |
2014 |
St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care |
$500,000 |
To support the construction of the new St. Ann Center campus in Lindsay Heights |
2014 |
United Methodist Children's Services |
$100,000 |
To support the build-out of a community room at the organization's facility and the substance abuse treatment services staff |
2014 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee (UNCOM) |
$100,000 |
To provide support for the Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service |
2014 |
United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) |
$44,260 |
To support the performing arts sector in Milwaukee |
2014 |
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Zilber School of Public Health |
$400,000 |
To provide scholarship funding to the Zilber School of Public Health through the Vera Zilber Public Health Scholars program |
2014 |
Victory Garden Initiative |
$7,500 |
To support the installation of 30 food producing garden beds and provide mentors for income-eligible residents of Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West |
2014 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$10,000 |
To support the design, materials, and signage for Ezekiel Gillespie pocket park in Lindsay Heights and contract with Blue Skies Landscaping to maintain the park |
2014 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$25,000 |
To support the repairs and ADA code-compliance updates to the Walnut Way Center in Lindsay Heights |
2014 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$500,000 |
To support phase one development of the Innovations and Wellness Commons at 1615 W. North Avenue in Lindsay Heights |
2014 |
West Care Foundation |
$2,500 |
To purchase and distribute copies to community leaders of Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow in anticipation of her MATC and NAACP appearances |
2013 |
88Nine Radio Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support the expansion of the Community Partnerships program |
2013 |
ART Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To support the TypeFace project and community engagement in the Lindsay Heights and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2013 |
Artists Working in Education, Inc. |
$10,000 |
To support educational art activities for youth in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2013 |
ArtWorks Milwaukee |
$7,000 |
To support the creation and installation of an exterior mural on a building façade in Layton Boulevard West |
2013 |
Cathedral Center |
$50,000 |
To enable the organization to continue to provide safe shelter to single women and families facing a housing crisis, and support the Center's advocacy to end homelessness |
2013 |
City Year |
$1,011 |
To support City Year's MLK Day of Service |
2013 |
Common Ground |
$7,500 |
To support focus groups on the future of the NDHS athletic fields |
2013 |
Faith Santa Fe Evangelical Lutheran Church |
$10,000 |
To match contributions made to support the food pantry coordinator |
2013 |
Fondy Food Center |
$100,000 |
To provide general support and expand access to healthy food and community building programs |
2013 |
Friedens Community Ministries |
$2,000 |
To provide boots and socks for homeless individuals |
2013 |
Grassroots Grantmakers |
$7,500 |
To support On the Ground - Milwaukee |
2013 |
Grassroots Grantmakers |
$1,500 |
To support ZNI partners attendance at On the Ground - Milwaukee |
2013 |
HeartLove Place |
$5,000 |
To provide general support |
2013 |
Housing Resources |
$25,500 |
To work with community groups to collect, analyze, and use survey and other data to improve the quality of life in ZNI neighborhoods |
2013 |
Johnsons Park Neighborhood Association |
$10,000 |
To support the hire of an AmeriCorps community engagement public safety specialist to work with Lindsay Heights |
2013 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$108,560 |
To support activities to improve the condition of neighborhood homes and buildings in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods |
2013 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$3,000 |
To support the Quality of Life Plan reprints and marketing materials |
2013 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$4,000 |
To support the Most Improved Commercial Façade Contest and to promote and inform the businesses about the competition |
2013 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$5,000 |
To fund startup costs for the LBWN Silver City Business Plan Competition winner |
2013 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$2,200 |
To support the Clarke Square Most Improved Porch Contest and to promote and inform residents about the competition |
2013 |
Le Jardin Academy |
$400,000 |
To install a solar photovoltaic system and develop science curriculum at a K-12 school |
2013 |
Life Navigators |
$2,000 |
To support efforts to improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities |
2013 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$200,000 |
To provide technical assistance and financial resources for real estate and commercial development projects in ZNI neighborhoods |
2013 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$5,000 |
To support the Milwaukee Market Value Analysis |
2013 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$1,050 |
To support the participation of nonprofit leaders in the National Development Council’s Real Estate Finance Course |
2013 |
Marquette University |
$1,750 |
To support the Building Our Social Innovation Ecosystem conference at Marquette University |
2013 |
Milwaukee Area Technical College |
$6,200 |
To support the North Division Summer CNA Program |
2013 |
Milwaukee Area Workforce Funding Alliance |
$10,000 |
To provide general operation support |
2013 |
Milwaukee College Prep - Lindsay Heights Campus |
$250,000 |
To support the construction at the gymnasium and renovate existing space |
2013 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$2,000 |
To support the Girls on the Run 5K progam |
2013 |
PEARLS for Teen Girls |
$50,000 |
To expand PEARLS services to girls living in and attending school in ZNI neighborhoods |
2013 |
Penfield Children's Center |
$5,000 |
To support the behavior clinic |
2013 |
Planning Council |
$5,000 |
To support the participation of nonprofit leaders at the Storytelling with Data conference |
2013 |
Public Policy Forum |
$10,000 |
To support keynote speakers at the 100th Anniversary Gala Dinner |
2013 |
Running Rebels |
$100,000 |
To provide general operating support for youth programs |
2013 |
Safe & Sound |
$120,000 |
To establish Safe & Sound’s presence and support the hiring and placement of a Community Partner in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods over two years |
2013 |
Schools That Can Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To provide matching programming support |
2013 |
Select Milwaukee |
$67,755 |
To hire a homeownership specialist to work in the Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West neighborhoods and establish the first Select Milwaukee south side satellite office shared between Clarke Square and Layton Boulevard West to advance their homeownership strategies |
2013 |
Sojourner Family Peace Center |
$25,000 |
To purchase and install IT equipment that can meet current and anticipated needs at the new $25 million Sojourner Family Peace Center campus |
2013 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee - Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative |
$6,589 |
For interim support for a housing coordinator in Clarke Square |
2013 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee - Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative |
$180,000 |
To serve as the fiscal sponsor for the Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative, and provide human resources, accounting and information technology services |
2013 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee - Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative |
$3,000 |
To support Quality of Life Plan reprints and marketing materials |
2013 |
United Community Center |
$500,000 |
To contribute to the capital costs of building a new 15-bed residential substance abuse facility to better meet the mental and physical health needs of Latina and other women addicted to alcohol and other substances |
2013 |
United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) |
$31,962 |
To support the performing arts sector in Milwaukee |
2013 |
Victory Garden Initiative |
$3,404 |
To support a Victory Garden Blitz in partnership with Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
2013 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$5,087 |
To support Blue Skies Landscaping for campus landscape improvements to Walnut Way production gardens on 17th and Lloyd Streets |
2013 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$3,000 |
To support Quality of Life Plan reprints and marketing materials |
2013 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$9,000 |
To purchase new hardware and software and support upgrades to Walnut Way’s IT email and file servers |
2013 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$6,000 |
To conduct Community Healing Circles to improve social connectedness, health and wellness, and economic stability |
2013 |
Wild Space Dance |
$5,000 |
To support school outreach and a performance at Three Bridges Park in Menomonee Valley |
2013 |
Word of Hope Ministries |
$35,000 |
To provide substance abuse treatment and other health and wellness services to low-income individuals |
2012 |
Above the Clouds |
$15,000 |
To sustain and expand the community arts programs for students in Lindsay Heights, Clarke Square, and Layton Boulevard West |
2012 |
ACTS Housing |
$60,000 |
To establish a loan fund for resident owners who buy and renovate homes in selected neighborhoods |
2012 |
CEOs for Cities |
$5,000 |
To provide general support for the Milwaukee chapter |
2012 |
Community Warehouse |
$50,000 |
To renovate a property along the 30th Street Industrial Corridor and open a north side location of the Community Warehouse |
2012 |
Donors Forum of Wisconsin |
$5,000 |
To partially support the Wisconsin Gives Report 2012 |
2012 |
Faith Santa Fe Evangelical Lutheran Church |
$10,000 |
To match contributions made to hire a food pantry coordinator |
2012 |
Hawaii Autism Foundation |
$15,000 |
To help families find and fun treatments for autism spectrum disorders |
2012 |
Hopkins Lloyd Elementary School |
$2,500 |
To provide t-shirts to all students and volunteers at the first TARGET: MILWAUKEE MATTERS event |
2012 |
International Association for Human Values |
$35,000 |
To support the Youth Empowerment Seminar program in Milwaukee and provide training to young people and educators in low-income neighborhoods |
2012 |
Journey House |
$500,000 |
To implement the lifelong learning and youth, parks, and recreation strategies of the Clarke Square Quality of Life Plan |
2012 |
Journey House |
$4,000 |
To support Clarke Square Moving and other events |
2012 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$10,000 |
To support the School Model Block initiative and improve the area around a neighborhood school |
2012 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$25,000 |
To support a retail market analysis of the three neighborhoods of Layton Park, Burnham Park, and Silver City |
2012 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$10,000 |
To support the completion of a bandshell in Arlington Heights Park |
2012 |
Life Navigators |
$2,000 |
To support efforts to improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities |
2012 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$200,000 |
To provide technical assistance and access to financing for real estate and commercial development projects in Lindsay Heights, Clarke Square, and Layton Boulevard West |
2012 |
Marquette University - Trinity Fellows Program |
$29,400 |
To support a graduate student intern to work with the Zilber Neighborhood Initiative |
2012 |
Marquette University |
$3,250 |
To bring Paul Tough to Marquette University's On the Issues forum |
2012 |
PEARLS for Teen Girls |
$25,000 |
To plan and launch an expansion campaign |
2012 |
Repairers of the Breach |
$2,500 |
To support services to homeless individuals in Milwaukee |
2012 |
Sojourner Family Peace Center |
$500,000 |
To provide a 1:1 cash match for donations up to $25,000 per donor to help the organization raise funds from small and mid-range donors for a new facility/div> |
2012 |
Three Harbor Council, Boy Scouts of America |
$1,000 |
To provide general support of the organization |
2012 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee - Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative |
$150,000 |
To provide human resources, accounting, and information technology services, and serve as fiscal agent for the Clarke Square Neighborhood Initiative |
2012 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee - Neighborhood News Service |
$130,000 |
To match funding from the Knight Foundation and expand the Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service |
2012 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee (UNCOM) |
$600,000 |
To deliver technical expertise in human services program design to community groups and to renew general operating support for UNCOM |
2012 |
United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) |
$22,862 |
To support the performing arts sector in Milwaukee |
2012 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$900,000 |
To implement the Lindsay Heights Quality of Life Plan with residents and other local partners |
2012 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$785 |
To enable Walnut Way staff to attend the 2012 Family Philanthropy Conference |
2012 |
WINS for Children |
$1,000 |
To support activities at North Division High School |
2012 |
Word of Hope Ministries |
$35,000 |
To deliver substance abuse treatment services on the north side of Milwaukee |
2011 |
88Nine Radio Milwaukee |
$35,000 |
To support radio and internet programs about Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2011 |
Aspen Institute |
$40,000 |
To help fund the Roundtable's new project, the Action Learning Network on Core Challenges in Community Change |
2011 |
COA Youth & Family Centers |
$90,000 |
To increase parent involvement in children’s academic achievement through the Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters and Having Involved Parents programs |
2011 |
Community Advocates |
$375,000 |
To match, dollar-for-dollar contributions made to 2011 capital campaign by new donors |
2011 |
Donors Forum of Wisconsin |
$1,600 |
To fund assessments of community organizations that provide job training and placement services |
2011 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$2,500 |
To fund an evaluation of the community development system in Milwaukee |
2011 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$10,000 |
To cover participation of up to 30 community leaders' at Policy Link's Equity Summit |
2011 |
Milwaukee Community Service Corps |
$100,000 |
To renew support of job training and educational services for 150 disadvantaged young people |
2011 |
Neu-Life Community Development |
$7,500 |
To support Neu-Life's service to children and youth |
2011 |
Planning Council for Health and Human Services |
$2,500 |
To help strengthen efforts to eliminate racial disparities in infant mortality in Milwaukee |
2011 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee - Neighborhood News Service |
$65,000 |
To renew support for the Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service |
2011 |
United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) |
$18,116 |
To support the performing arts sector in Milwaukee |
2011 |
Wisconsin Voices |
$40,000 |
To educate citizens about Wisconsin's new voter photo identification law |
2011 |
Wisconsin World Affairs Council |
$440 |
To support student participation in the 2011 Summer Seminar |
2010 |
88Nine Radio Milwaukee |
$35,000 |
To support a seven-week radio and and social media series to raise visibility and market awareness of four neighborhoods, including Lindsay Heights and Clarke Square |
2010 |
Alliance for Children and Families |
$10,000 |
To support the participation of neighborhood residents and local nonprofits at the national conference |
2010 |
Castle Medical Center |
$200,000 |
To support the renovation of additional patient care rooms at the Vera Zilber Birth Center |
2010 |
Center for Resilient Cities - Lindsay Heights Neighborhood Health Alliance |
$150,000 |
To hire a program director and organize health and wellness activities for people in Lindsay Heights |
2010 |
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church |
$5,000 |
To purchase a cooler for fresh food storage and meet increased demand for food in the Clarke Square neighborhood |
2010 |
Fondy Food Center |
$75,000 |
To support technical assistance to develop operational, physical design and development, and funding plans for the Fondy Market Center |
2010 |
Journey House |
$375,000 |
To help finance the construction of the Longfellow/Journey House Center for Family Learning and Youth Athletics |
2010 |
Journey House |
$2,000 |
To support Weed & Seed's activities to prevent crime, increase neighborhood spirit, and strengthen police/community partnerships |
2010 |
Layton Boulevard West Neighbors |
$875,000 |
To design and implement a five-year community development plan with people who live and work in Layton Boulevard, Burnham Park, and Silver City |
2010 |
Marquette University - Trinity Fellows Program |
$29,400 |
To support a graduate student intern to work with the Zilber Neighborhood Initiative |
2010 |
Milwaukee College Prep - Lindsay Heights Campus |
$50,000 |
To support the startup of a new charter school campus in Lindsay Heights |
2010 |
Milwaukee Film |
$1,000 |
To support a screening and panel discussion of Waiting for Superman |
2010 |
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity |
$300,000 |
To repair and paint 60 homes |
2010 |
Milwaukee Wave of Hope |
$7,500 |
To support an educational and outreach program for youth in Lindsay Heights and Clarke Square |
2010 |
Sojourner Family Peace Center |
$55,000 |
To launch a partnership to co-locate comprehensive services for individuals and families dealing with domestic violence |
2010 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee - Neighborhood News Service |
$108,000 |
To support the development and implementation of the Neighborhood News Service |
2010 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee (UNCOM) |
$10,000 |
To facilitate leadership training for the organizations implementing the Zilber Neighborhood Initiative |
2010 |
Urban Ecology Center/Menomonee Valley Partners Project |
$500,000 |
To support From the Ground Up, a $26 million project to create jobs, restore natural resources, educate people about the environment, and establish new recreational amenities in the Menomonee Valley |
2010 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$15,000 |
To fund a study visit for twelve Lindsay Heights educators and community leaders to participate in the Harlem Children's Zone Practitioners Institute |
2010 |
WINS for Children |
$150,000 |
To establish a program office and start a strategic planning process to benefit children and youth in Milwaukee |
2010 |
Word of Hope Ministries |
$35,000 |
To expand substance abuse treatment services on the north side of Milwaukee |
2009 |
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee |
$1,200,000 |
To develop, pilot test, and evaluate new program approaches for youth in Lindsay Heights and Clarke Square |
2009 |
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee |
$500,000 |
To support construction and other capital expenses of the LaVarnway Club |
2009 |
Center for Resilient Cities |
$250,000 |
To support the renovation of Johnsons Park to better meet the needs of residents of Lindsay Heights and surrounding communities |
2009 |
Discovery World |
$1,250,000 |
To support the participation of youth and families in ZNI neighborhoods in programs, conduct activities at neighborhood locations, and develop new exhibits and programs |
2009 |
Donors Forum for Milwaukee Area Workforce Funding Alliance |
$150,000 |
To improve the workforce development system serving Milwaukee job seekers and employers |
2009 |
International Association for Human Values |
$35,000 |
To develop and pilot test a youth leadership development program in Lindsay Heights |
2009 |
Milwaukee Community Service Corps |
$100,000 |
To provide work experience to 160 disadvantaged youth and improve the appearance of housing, yards, and public spaces in Lindsay Heights, Clarke Square and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2009 |
Residential Living Services |
$15,000 |
To support a study trip to New York by Lindsay Heights educators, child development providers, and community leaders to learn about three program models, including the Harlem Children's Zone |
2009 |
Select Milwaukee |
$20,000 |
To support its 2009 Annual Campaign |
2009 |
Social Development Foundation |
$200,000 |
To support the use of federal stimulus funding for economic development in Lindsay Heights and Clarke Square |
2009 |
United Community Center |
$500,000 |
To deliver substance abuse treatment and other social services to residents of Clarke Square and other Milwaukee neighborhoods |
2009 |
United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF) |
$20,000 |
To support the performing arts in Milwaukee |
2008 |
Community Advocates |
$150,000 |
To support the Milwaukee Addictions Treatment Initiative and mental health services to individuals at high risk of recidivism and incarceration |
2008 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation Educational Improvement Fund |
$50,000 |
To support a financial and operational analysis of Milwaukee Public Schools by McKinsey & Company |
2008 |
Journey House |
$875,000 |
To facilitate the design and implementation of a five-year comprehensive community development plan with residents and other local partners in Milwaukee's Clarke Square neighborhood |
2008 |
Journey House - Longfellow School |
$250,000 |
To match, dollar for dollar, contributions from local residents, businesses, associations and faith institutions in the Clarke Square neighborhood to the capital campaign for the new community center at Longfellow School |
2008 |
LISC Milwaukee |
$1,600,000 |
To deliver technical expertise, communications support, and financial assistance to community organizations as they design and implement plans for improving the social, economic and physical conditions in their neighborhoods |
2008 |
Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity |
$250,000 |
To start A Brush with Kindness, a citywide program to bring volunteers and homeowners in low-income neighborhoods together to repair and paint homes, starting with the areas in and around Clarke Square and Lindsay Heights |
2008 |
United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee (UNCOM) |
$900,000 |
To deliver technical expertise in human services program design to community groups and to develop and carry out pilot projects that affect low-income households across the city |
2008 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$875,000 |
To facilitate the design and implementation of a five-year comprehensive community development plan with residents and other local partners in Milwaukee's Lindsay Heights neighborhood |
2008 |
Walnut Way Conservation Corp. |
$250,000 |
To establish Maranatha Enterprise, an entity that will plan and implement housing and economic development ventures to benefit Lindsay Heights |
$132,608,739 |