• Visit a list of our grantee partners to learn more about the organizations and projects Zilber Family Foundation supports.

  • To respect the time of potential grantee partners, our grants are by invitation only. If your organization’s priorities align with the Foundation’s economic stability priorities, we encourage you to tell us a little more about your mission and focus for consideration. If your organization is invited to apply, you will receive an email notification on how […]

  • The Foundation believes in trust-based philanthropy and seeks to develop partnerships rooted in transparency, power awareness, and mutual accountability. We partner with and support nonprofit and community-based organizations working to increase access to social and economic opportunity in the communities the Zilber family has called home: Milwaukee, Wisconsin – especially the neighborhoods Lindsay Heights, Clarke […]

  • Our grants are intended to support organizations’ general operations, programs and services, capacity building, capital projects, and future aspirations. 

  • We will work with our partners to set goals and establish reporting metrics to understand if the sector supports funding resulted in the desired outcome. At the end of the day, we’d like to know the degree to which the sector supports funding helped position your organization to achieve its medium or long-term goals (organizational, […]

  • We recognize some projects or initiatives require multiple partners and consultants. Organizations should submit a complete project budget, including all anticipated consultant costs, with the application. All consultant scopes, project charters/MOUs, and final reports should be shared with the Foundation.

  • Partners requesting support for a consultant must vet at least two potential consultants before making a selection. It is important that organizations find a consultant that is a good fit and understands their needs. Zilber Family Foundation does not provide a preferred consultant list, but we are happy to share a list of consultants that […]

  • No. If invited to apply, your organization may apply for both types of support.

  • Applicants may request up to $50,000 annually unless otherwise discussed with the Foundation. Applicants are eligible to receive one sector supports grant per 12-month period. Requested dollar amounts must be realistic and accompanied by a clear description of the need for funding.